How to become a millionaire before the age of 30?

in #getrich8 years ago
  1. Escape The Material Mindset

We live in a consumer’s world. That’s why we even think about how to get rich quick. However, we don’t have to conform to it. Collecting stuff is just a waste if you don’t use it. You probably have a house full of useless stuff; get rid of it.

If you’re buying stuff everyday, you need to take a step back and think about it. I like to create a 30-day list on my iPhone of things I’d like to buy. If I see something in a store or online, instead of clicking buy I just put it on my list. That curbs the urge. 95% of the time, I end up not wanting it in 30 days.

I also always ask myself, “do I really need this? Will it make my life that much better?” Most of the time, it won’t.

  1. Don’t Be Afraid to Take Risks

You don’t have to follow in my reckless footsteps, but there are some things you can do to be a bit risky in today’s standard. For instance, you could constantly hunt for a new, higher paying job. Some would argue that it’s risky, and you should be loyal to your employers. I say, “go where the money is, and do what makes you happy.”

Honestly, it’s really not all about money either. I’ve been on both sides of the coin, and I can tell you that you’ll live a richer life doing what you love rather than doing what makes you more money. If you can get both, awesome!


  1. Debt is The Devil

Debt is the dumbest thing we’ve come up with, however, it’s a necessity of our world. The good news is, you don’t have to bury yourself in it. Too many people spend money they don’t have. This can be solved with a simple mindset change.

When I wanted to quit smoking, I made it a point to hate on other’s who smoked, just so that I wouldn’t want to become one of those people. When I’d see someone smoking, I’d judge them in my head. I’m not saying this is a healthy thing to do, but it was certainly healthier than smoking, and all it took was some simple mind-changing. Make debt your enemy. Make it being wealthy and happy worth fighting for.

If you follow these three simple principles that I’ve learned over my short lifetime, you will be explaining to others how to get rich quick, realistically.

4.join a rich group and make friends with them

When you close to riches, you can see how they think and take action, and their lifestyle, learn from their experience and start your story!

And if you date and married some rich person, you can be rich very fast, then you must take this into a consideration

Not get your ass to work !


You are very interested person. I like your idea of becoming a millionaire. I upvoted and do the same.