Want to publish but you don´t know what to write about?

in #get7 years ago

Don´t worry, all of us sometimes pass through some kind of "creative mental blocking". You need to stimulate your mind, get some fresh air, diversify your activities till you got the inspiration, this inspiration can be provided by the simplest thing you can imagine. Once, I wrote a story about sociological cases and its solution seeing the bouncing of a rubber ball, looks incredible, don´t you think? The muses in life are everywhere, our creativity is like a loos guy that wakes up sometimes, a great way to write high quality expressions is use your quotidian emotions to create your post.
Take advantage from inspiration, study life and get knowledge from every single thing that occurs around you, if your emotions are not enough to release your resources to produce literature. Then, try to read or listen contents of other authors. The triangulation is a valid way to make your own expression, with triangulation I mean something like: "he said this and she said that, but they didn´t take into consideration this theme". Something like that, to write we have to read, we have to acculturate ourselves.
So, if you are here now trying to get ideas to write a great post, this is the first step, I recommend you to take a ride, Walk across the city, make some excersice, rest, read other authors (my profile for example), listen to music. Just don´t obligate your brain to create, let the inspiration come, and when you have it let it flow, that´s all. Give some oxygen to those neurons yours, your synapses will get rusty if you don´t let them rest.



thank you very much, I´m always trying to do my best

very good post, friends, keep working to be the best, friends

thank you, I appreciate your feed back.

too welcome,friends
please help upvote my account @agusmuliadi