How to Easy Hydroponic Spinach Kangkung in Basin

in #gerdening7 years ago (edited)

Hello steemians friend ..

Back again with me @bangteh for this time I will tell you how to use kangkung kangkung basin and this is the stage and the way I will tell the steemian friends all.
#Stage one
 The hydroponic kangkung equipment needed is not much and will not drain much of your wallet. Some of the materials to be used are also limited to seeds and fertilizers. For more details, here are the ingredients and tools you need to prepare before starting hydroponic kangkung cultivation at home. 

 Materials needed:  
Seeds of kangkungBenih kangkung can you can at a farm shop near your home.

If you want a really good yield of kale production, then in determining the seeds of kale to be planted or used must be quality. We recommend you to use superior kangkung seedlings or spinach kale. 

Seeds kangkung dreams save some advantages such as harvesting by the way pulled or cut, plant growth is not easily accompanied by flowers, and growth in unison and not creeping. By choosing a good kale seedlings, then the success in the cultivation of water spinach will increase with the quality of the resulting crop.

Actually there are two ways to plant #hydroponic kangkung, that is by seed seedling technique or direct planting technique. Whether in a basin, with a paralon, with a used bottle, or by farming methods on a large field using a ground bed, all can be with the technique and the results obtained are no different. 

Then which one is best? Ked Both are good, but the seeding seed technique passes through two processes. In cultivating the hydroponics kangkung plant, we will invite you to use the technique of seedling. 

Before sowing, you must apply the seeds to know which seeds are suitable to use and not. How to? 

Provide a container such as a basin and pour water.
Pour the seed into a container of water, leave all day.
The next day, you will see the seeds that float and drown.
Remove the floating kangkung seeds because the seeds are not able to germinate and experience slow growth.
After getting the seeds that are really worthy of quality at the same time, then you can start seedling seedling activities. Here's the guide:

Take a cloth with enough thickness to hold water.
Wrap the seeds that have been soaked with cloth.
Flush the cloth with warm water as necessary. The goal is that the cloth just wet in order to keep the moisture to accelerate the sprouts sprouted seeds into sprouts. 

Nutrition needed by kale also does not differ from most plant nutrients. As mentioned earlier, you can make hydroponic nutrition by using organic ingredients from the vicinity, or if you want to be practical by mixing organic fertilizer purchased at the farm shop.
If you prefer to use nutrition h idroponik from AB Mix fertilizer, then the following how to make it: 

Take 1 liter of water, then add 5 ml of nutrients A and 5 ml of nutrients B. Once the dosage.
Stir until the fertilizer is well blended and enter the nutrient solution into the basin with the altitude reaching the lower limit surface of the tin.
Try not to let the seeds are submerged because it will rot later. 


What do you do? 

Move all the seeds that have sprouted into the besek. You can coat the bottom with the aquarium filter foam or not, no problem. #Hydroponics kangkung cultivation does not use planting media is also not a problem because kangkung has a riding root that will support the water spinach to stand upright.
Pour the nutrient solution into the basin until it reaches the surface of the seed and the seed. If you use an aquarium filter foam then it is quite up to the affected foam.
Put the tip onto the basin containing the nutrient solution.
Next, you can immediately introduce the seeds to break into the sun. Or you can also let the plants do the growth motion (fitotropisme) by covering the besek and basin with black plastic for a day.
If you from the beginning directly want hydroponic kale to use besek more than one (direct lots), then there are things you should know. The seeds of kale will experience better and more efficient growth when the seeds are large in one container, and there is hardly any space between them.



stage of treatment is easy. You just need to pay attention to the nutritional needs of kale and do not let kangkung not get the nutrients from the solution below. When the plants are 2 weeks old, the concentration of the solution will increase. You need to increase the amount of fertilizer that was 5 ml per 1 liter to 7 - 9 ml per liter. Replace the nutrient solution if it smells. And so on until entering the harvest.


Kangkung is a plant that grows in a short time. That is one of the advantages besides can grow in various coverage of planting conditions. Harvesting kangkung you can do after 4 - 6 weeks (about 1 month or more) when it looks fresh and not old.Furthermore, you can enjoy and enjoy the hydroponic kangkung is delicious and healthy with family beloved.
Well that's a little tp from me how to grow water spinach using a basin. Hopefully useful for all of us, good luck steemians friends and do not forget to follow me @bangteh see you back in my next posting. thank you