Daniele Ganser: History, Propaganda and Peace Research

Dr. Ganser speaks with the class about his background and the story behind his seminal work “NATO’s Secret Armies” which the CIA even cites on its own website! He also discusses the use of “false flag military operations,” the use of propaganda as well as peace research with his Swiss Institute for Peace and Energy Reserach (SIPER).

About the Author
Dr. phil. Daniele Ganser is a Swiss historian who specializes in contemporary history since 1945 and International Politics. His research topics are peace research, geo-strategy, covert warfare, resource wars and economic policy. He teaches at the University of St. Gallen (HSG) courses on the history and future of energy systems. At the University of Basel he teaches in the postgraduate course on conflict analysis with a focus on the global fight over petroleum. Daniele Ganser is founder and Director of the Swiss Institute for Peace and Energy Research (SIPER) in Basel. SIPER researches the possibility of a transition to 100% renewable energy supplies and how conflicts might be solved peacefully.

Daniele Ganser Website

http://www.danieleganser.ch/home.html?lang=en http://www.siper.ch/en

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