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RE: Wild ideas

in #geopolitics2 months ago (edited)

I'll throw a little monkey wrench into this great analysis:

Trump won by 49.9% of the popular vote. That means slightly (ever so slightly) more than 50% of the country voted for someone else. While he acts as though he has a mandate, that's not much of a mandate. If he continues to act like the mad hatter, a big chunk of the 49.9% are likely to be disillusioned, very quickly. Representatives are going to go to their home districts. Not the MAGA districts, but the other ones comprised of people who were desperate for change. It is my guess invading Greenland was not the change they were hoping for.

While Trump is Commander-in-Chief and has enormous power, he needs Congress to do stuff in order to get his domestic agenda through. He needs votes on those things, and stuff like Greenland may cost him those votes.

In two years (a long time!) there are elections. Crazy stuff will likely swing close districts away from him. Of course, he can always try the true autocrat path and just suspend all rights, all ordinary order. I'm not sure what the country would do about that.

Maybe I don't understand anything that's going on (I certainly don't understand how so many people voted for him--except, there wasn't much of a choice), but my scenario is at least plausible. In that scenario crazy does not have carte blanche.


I don't feel that optimistic, but if you live in the US (I don't), you probably know better. I think the grandstanding and bluster is part of what the MAGA electorate expects and what gives them satisfaction.

I don't feel that optimistic


Neither do I. I'm just hoping for better outcome than seems likely.