What is the relationship in affiliate marketing between Number people visits per day with Number of clicks per day?

in #geometry6 years ago

Here is short summary that i have noticed in between No. of people visiting the site everyday with no. of Clicks every day:

//Relationship factors between People and cliks in my site :

Few things connects between people and clicks:
--No of people visiting cannot exceed the No.of clicks on the site
--The people visiting your site will not buy ton of bundles on the same products every time they visit.
--I have kept the following graphs for value of starting from 5,10 and 15 for each product you affiliate.

//Graph for Value equal to 5 for each product you affiliate :

I have 30000 as base revenue for each month to be stable with this affiliate marketing projection.
--You can see if i need to earn more than 30k each month ,i could either 7 people visits with 1 click each day or 4 people visits each day with 2 clicks each day or so more.

//Graph for Value equal to 10 for each product you affiliate :

Again keeping 30000 as base revenue , i could see for value of product earning to be 10, i should have 4 people visits with 1 click everyday or 3 people everyday with 2 clicks each every day or so more.

If you do get the point note it out in the comments below