beautiful natural phenomena again, I start liking geology - wtf?^^
Btw: What is the most unrealistic Star Wars planet you ever encountered?
beautiful natural phenomena again, I start liking geology - wtf?^^
Btw: What is the most unrealistic Star Wars planet you ever encountered?
Oooh, good question. Coruscant is pretty bad- global city planets DON'T work. It would produce nightmarish weather patterns, pollution, etc, especially given its lack of oceans. Tattooine wouldn't work- not enough plants to produce oxygen. Kashykk wouldn't work- too MUCH oxygen. (There'd be giant forest fires all the time.) Hoth would also have little oxygen, though it isn't quite as implausible as the others. Mustafar is pretty absurd in some ways too- it'd have to be super young to have that much magma everywhere, and planets that young wouldn't have topography that interesting.
Good planets (apart from the four in this movie) include Yavin 4 and other "boring planets." Rogue One's planets were mostly fine, for instance.
And as for liking geology- it's a pretty easy topic to like, once you start delving into it!