Every animal or human lives in their surrounding atmosphere.The atmosphere includes all the physical, chemical, biological and soil factors which affect the living beings. Maybe this effect either directly or indirectly. This is important for every living being for his daily working.
In the atmosphere a huge number of factors. These factors do not affect individually rather than it affects together. Thus changes in one factor may change to others. Because of these factors, Various part of the world has various type of plants.
There are 4 categories of factors

Climate Factors-
It includes plants air and atmosphere. Factors in this category are following
Light, Temperature, Water & Rain Atmosphere Humidity, WInd.Topographic Factors-
It includes the upper layer, size shape of the earth.Factors in this category are following
Altitude, Slope, ExposureEdaphic Factors-
According to this factors physical and chemical factors comes into account.Factors in this category are following
Mineral Matter, Organic Matter, Algae, Soil Water, Soil Air, Soil Organisms Soil Reaction.Biotic Factors-
The activities of Plants, Animal, Human and many small living beings include in this factors.Factors in this category are following
Micro-organisms, Bacteria, Fungi, Grazing Animals, Parasitism, Symbiotism, Saprophytism, Epyphytism, Insectivorous Plants.
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Baudhik Prakshan Book for UPSC and UPPSC.
amazing photo and great works brother
Nice post! Thanks for sharing such interesting informations with us!
Olivia D.
Our earth is very beautiful but we are all destroying it check my latest post regarding in Sahara desert their is a snow fall . if we don't respect mother earth now we will regret in later half. ;-)
You brought back my biology and geography 😁😁Welldone @steemitglass
i came to now the factors now