I have a belief and it is shared by a few others that the government intentions with geoengineering is actually coming from a good place. People in this case if they really knew why that this program was implemented would be hysterical. The truth would create mass hysteria in people who think everything is just hunky dory. First, they deny that these programs even exist but the pictures tell otherwise. Show a pilot the pictures and the next lie is that its to confront global warming. This is the lie that most people believe to be true, that its to reflect sunlight back to space to mitigate radiation trapping of CO2. After years of reading and observing the weather for myself Im realizing that global warming has stopped. So, why are they doing this? We are headed into the grand solar minimum that's why. Im working on a blog that shows a spike in killings for witch craft during the maunder minimum because people needed to blame the weather for something. Almost every single major Chinese dynasty changed during a solar minimum. What is going on is galactic ray mitigation or management. Have you wondered why we have been having more extreme storms? Bigger hail? More precipitation? Huge snowstorms? We have been told its because of global warming and CO2 but thats just bullshit. Its egotistical bullshit so people actually feel like they are in control of what's going on and economic continuity will continue because people feel they can control this. This is part of a 400 year cycle of the Sun, it is basically transitioning quickly into hibernation mode. There are books and papers written about this. When the magnetosphere of the Sun weakens it allows for galactic rays to enter the Earth's atmosphere. Galactic cosmic rays they bind themsrlves to water vapor in the air causing cloud cover (always cloudy now) and causing extreme precipitation events. Look up the works of Henrik Svensmark. Long story short and yes this is the short version they believe they can break up these clouds and prevent the crazy storms that are just beginning with geoengineering. With cosmic rays influx expected to increase yet still another 15-30% depending where you are on the planet, less rays at the equator than the poles, the storms are going to continue to magnify and the weather will cool drastically. Society is about to change, the very first signs are beginning right now with food riots in Sudan I wrote about this a week ago. Watch commodity prices double this year alone at least because crop yields are going to suck globally. Its one thing that brought me to cryptos.
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People who believe they are doing it for the right reasons demand less money to do the dirty deeds. Also costs less in damage control as the public finds out. Best thing we can do is to understand that many people are tricked but we have to be careful to not make excuses for them, just be patient but persistent.
Dane Wigington really puts those details together using critical thinking .. I suggest to get into his radio show.. Don't freak yourself out too much, your going to need to take a break now and then that is normal. Most of our challenge is not explaining every little detail perfectly but rather just becoming aware and rational on the topic. At that point it does not have to fit together perfectly for one to know they more or less get the big picture in a way that is extremely helpful and friendly to the environment and nature.
Dane may be alarming, but he is not fear mongering and he is in a good place .. Big difference.. Just be make sure to take motivation from Dane but if you get into despair you need to look elsewhere.. It is hard to listen to just Dane sometimes but Dane has a lot of answers and fanatic critical thinking..
Was thinking myself the same thing, people who contribute to the agenda are loyal tool of the system.
Maybe this is a stupid parallel but listen: So, I just got off a public bus. You wouldn't believe what happened!
The bus driver refused to let a little girl in the bus, since she couldn't afford the ticket. It is actually similar case, just in different manner :) Outside was freezing cold and it was dark
He is blindly following the system, while politicians have their own drivers (doing nothing but making it harder for us - little people)
This guy (who is part of us - little people) refused to drive this little girl home... The brainwash is at such a huge level that he would rather let her walk home instead of earning less for his Owners
Oh man, was I mad :D You don't even need to doubt that I did make sure she comes home! But man, that ignorant driver... Wanted to punch him (even though I know that is not the way)
Elite did such a great job at dividing us, not only that, they did a great job at killing empathy at people. So that guy (legitimately 40 years old), was convinced in his head that he is doing a right thing by not letting her in the bus... Sad story and reality we live in, that is why we need to work everyday to be better version of ourselves so we can motivate others to do the same... Only love can change that guy, I'm aware of it. But man, was he egoistical... that was some pure demonic shit
here, when you find time :)@jamesc I would highly appreciate it if you comment on my work
followed ;)
Appreciate it! I can see already you got some truly interesting content :)
I'm learning so much from Dane Wigington, and yeah, I do find I need a break to process everything. Thanks @jamesc :)