One of my closest peeps during my time in Cants studied film at CCC! Crazy small world :)
I was gonna add... I've been living in China for 2 years, specifically Beijing. There've been the most disgusting amounts of smog and air pollution I've ever seen in my life. The outskirts of the city on trains have looked like scenes from a Fallout game... Just nuclear wastelands with no the most ghastly sunlight...
I will say this: I've never seen a chemtrail in China in my life, and I've LOOKED
They don't happen here. If the air is polluted, it's smog from the ground-up. If there's lots of wind, and the pollution clears...
It's crystal clear blue skies.
(I'll try and post some pics I've taken of polluted Beijing and crystal clear Beijing for contrast when I get the chance)
Try to remind me to in a week's time (now is super busy, am moving houses and going back home for the summer)