Messing with Mother Nature : Cloud Seeding

in #geoengineering7 years ago (edited)

As I write, people and environments surrounding my home are in crisis. In the recent past, wildfires purged and tore through much of the area, decimating lives, killing people and animals. This is not a new occurrence to Southern California. In fact, our climate is classified as a

Mediterranean climate, which is a type of dry subtropical climate, characterized by seasonal changes in rainfall—with a dry summer and a winter rainy season—but relatively modest transitions in temperature.

All that is to say that in L.A., it’s warm and dry. Not only that, but many plants found throughout the region are pyrophile, which means they actually need fire in order to propagate.


Eucalyptus, imported from Australia, has historically been used in landscaping around Los Angeles and yet will burn like a torch.

Fire is a natural part of living in and around Los Angeles. Responsible land owners and cities take precautions to plant fire and drought resistant plants to help keep people and animals as safe as possible.

Fire can be devastating; what comes next can be worse.


Fire in and around Los Angeles county historically occurs in the parched heat of the summer or in the cold and dry early winter, just prior to the rainy season. It’s after these fires, the cold dry winter fires, that can cause the most damage over all. Understand that during a wildfire around Los Angeles, the hillsides are stripped of all the ground cover, bushes and trees whose roots hold the soil in place. Then, instead of fairly solid hillsides you have loose, crumbly topsoil that is not very deep. Then the rains come. What happens next to the families who live in areas that have recently been decimated by fire is truly tragic. Because then the hillsides are liable to come rushing down, flooding their homes and killing more.


When I learned earlier this week that LOS ANGELES had recently seeded our skies in order to increase rainfall during a drought all I could think was how could they?!?


Here are the facts: In January to February of 2016, the Los Angeles county Board of Supervisors voted to go ahead with cloud seeding in hopes to create more rainfall, ostensibly to increase the water table and help Los Angeles survive the drought. By March, mudslides were wrecking havoc in and around L.A. and the question that begs to be asked is could the mudslides have been avoided with a natural amount of rainfall?


Is it possible that mother nature in all her wisdom may have given Los Angeles only the amount of rain she could handle? The truth is we will never know because we allowed our government to change the amount of precipitation we received. Nature is nature and therefore challenging and difficult to predict; my heart goes out to people negatively affected by these ‘natural disasters’. However, I do not feel that attempting to force nature to bow to our desires is the answer.


When I wonder what exactly is being sprayed over our heads on a daily basis; when I attempt to imagine how governments can possibly weaponize the weather to use against unforeseen enemies, cloud seeding feels like a ‘light' issue. In actuality, cloud seeding rests comfortably at the core of Geoengineering. It’s the most ‘acceptable’ kind of Geoengineering and therefore the most dangerous.

Don't let complacency take the place of truth

As always, keep questioning, keep looking up, keep Steeming!

lol beth 333.jpg



I neglected to include a couple of very important sources, thank you to @fracasgrimm for bringing it to my attention! (upvoted for visability)

Stumbled upon this on the internet today.
These are the two most commont elements in chemtrails.


56+13 = 69 (As above, so below)

And yeah, I don't believe in coincidences.
I feel like everything's related.

I feel you! It's scary.. its really weird how all most of the people denie truth because it's hard for them to come in peace with their own souls. Far right is the new conservatism and I am not with the whole satanic movement that is going on now as most people do not seem to understand how individualism is related to satanism pf. Its crazy. We need more whistleblowers and watchers! How do you load up pictures? Peace

True, man!
But for me, personally, Satan hasn't done anything wrong. In fact quite opposite - it's the people believing in God so blindly that they've divided others into groups and can't even see that every other human being is the same as them.
I actually like the Satanic Rules of the Earth

About photos - I upload them where I make a Steemit Post and then copy the uploaded link to the comment.

Very interesting! Love how everyone is so open-minded here! Such an amazing platform! Take care

Welcome to Steemit, @deepseoul!

Oh! Hi there, thank you so much! I'm still figuring things out but I am loving it ALL THE WAY! Steemit to the MOON! You have a good one bethalea! I hope I can also welcome other newcomers like me to let them feel welcome as I feel here on Steemit. Thank you! And stay blessed everyone. Kindest regards from Belgium.

I agree, everything is related! you can't mess with one part of this world and think it doesn't effect everything else.

Yeah - we're all connected even if most of us don't see it or don't want to see it!
Every little thing we do matters! We choose to either inspire the world and create something out of nothing or spend our days in the darkness!

I’d like to see it play out or see the benefits vs the drawbacks... either way this is a very interesting topic though if we can harness nature there’s no telling what we will be able to do

that is what frightens me... what we are able to do is not necessarily what we 'ought' to be doing...

Sorry to be negative in appearance. I blame us.
We rely too much on the failing structure in place to correct the errors of times past. We continue to talk about what needs to be changed and not begin to implement the changes we want to see.
Until We as in people in general from any part of the world can come together to achieve a common goal. This can be Clean water for everyone, as an example. We need to work toward making that achievable. the road to there is not clearly shown and would maybe have mountains to climb to make it happen, but is it possible. we can turn the Sahara green with one drop of water if we have enough drops there before it, How many raindrops does it takes to make a river, Or does a river start with 1.

How many drops of water could come from Steem?

I agree that we need to figure out what to do, and that it will only happen when there are many of us moving together!

If they are cloud seeding then they are most likely using silver iodide

yep, that's exactly what they wrote they were using.

The best way to let the planet heal is to do nothing. Just stop it.

If we do nothing, those who are destroying the planet will continue to do so.
Do nothing should never be a solution!
Think about it

I feel like we're saying the same thing... we need to make 'them' stop messing with mother nature... to 'leave the planet alone' so it can heal. And that ultimately, it is absolutely our responsibility to change the way things are happening!

Now we just need to find a few more people who are willing to contribute to that change in one way or another.
Personally, I would be willing to put anything I gain from here into a project as such.
all of the 3 I have in savings lol. But I expect that to grow with a bit of time. Do you have a plan yet?

They openly voted to seed clouds in hopes to raise water tables? I would love to have that proof! I believe you it just seems like something they wouldn't do OPENLY,lol. Another tragedy created by this stupid and deadly experimentation.

hey there! they totally did and I somehow neglected the source where I talk about it! i'm going to fix my post and link you the news article that talks about it and you can see what I mean. Thank you so much for bringing it to my attention!

So while one man-made system is pushing moisture away (in the video), another is dumping toxic metals on the population under the guise of cloud seeding.

Not as insane as it sounds if you consider your adversary insane.

hey @jamesc, thanks for sharing this video, I'll be looking into Raytheon and the Ridiculously Resilient Ridge later tonight. This subject is quite seriously near and dear to me as a native Angeleno..

I loved your parting comment, by the way. It's absolutely crucial we remember our adversary is not a logical creature. We must not try to 'explain away' these obviously dangerous and life threatening experiments with an attempt at reason. There is no acceptable reason to be manipulating our environments in this way, and we absolutely must come together to make it stop.

/end rant.

(for the moment)


Does make you make wonder what really is. Earth is not a terraform, its natural and will work itself out. Science is good and well with proper application, but tampering with natural balance is pushing it. Use that tech to start a farm on the moon or something. Yes, I believe the mudslides were a direct cause of human effect.

hey @enginewitty... this is exactly my point, we are messing with the natural balance. The balance isn't nice or easy or always pleasant, but when we skew it the results tend to be far more dangerous and destructive.

Increasing the water table takes decades or centuries; it's laughable that was a reason given to seed the clouds. Seeding clouds shows how desperate Southern California for water.

The only reliable way SoCal has to secure water is desalination. There's two major hurdles for that to become reality. First, they have to figure out what to do with the salt slury after leaves the plant. The location of the discharge will be huge dead zone. Second, they need cheap power to run the plants. The best answer we have now is nuclear. Nuclear power is going to be a no go, in California or U.S.
Anyways, I'm baffled by their reasoning to seed the clouds.

Hey there @unicornvomit (great name, btw lol)... I want to be clear, raising the water table wasn't a reason given to seed the clouds... that was a leap made by me. Here in L.A. they're constantly about needing to 'raise the water table' and how 'this last storm didn't raise the water table enough to get us out of the drought yet'. The article I linked stated that they seeded the clouds to help us get out of the drought, and all of my intuition tells me messing with mother nature like this is the wrong thing to do for so many reasons.

The more I'm reading and learning about Geoengineering, the more convinced I am there is much, much more going on. Check out the video posted by @jamesc above.

Cool, you have your eye's open. This past fire hell week where fire acted like an energy weapon, I noticed mass aerial tanker flights which covered So Cal. There was an immediate change in the jet stream as the heavy metals became a blocking force and they changed the Jet Stream. Keep looking up!

Hey there! Yep, I can't imagine how people think that making such drastic changes to our atmosphere can have no effect!

The climate of Algeria is governed by the conditions resulting from the site's overlap with regard to the degrees of supply, the distribution of land, water, terrain, directions and heights, and the size of Algeria's area in the general climate picture of the country. Three main climatic zones have distinctive hallmarks extending from the west to the east. the South...

I adore you, Wahid!

thnx bet me too

I heard the seeding of clouds took place several years ago. Without the facts or time regarding how long this process takes to work then it is difficult to believe that seeding is a contributing factor to mudslides and erosion. Why wouldn’t the clouds be seeded when a fire is raging to help extinguish it? That would make more sense to me. Good topic for debate. Thanks.

Hello @mother2chicks! My point was that seeding the clouds during a 'natural disaster' such as a fire, as you suggested, soaks the ground soil and softens it... especially somewhere like Los Angeles which isn't used to much rain. If the soil has already been softened unnaturally, when the 'normal' rains come, the water has no where to soak into and results in mudslides. Thanks for reading and commenting, appreciate the discussion for sure!

Ok. I get it. Never heard about how seeding had already taken place to extinguish fires. Now I understand what you are saying. Makes perfect sense that an unnatural event could happen in the aftermath. Ie the mudslides. 🐓🐓

Incredbile. I had never heard of pyrophile plants EVER. The existence of plants like that must be my favorite regular freak of nature occurence now, right after the existence of sloths.

The idea that nature may not have intended for California to be flooded by large amounts of water regularly was also something I never quite heard someone say before. When I visited CA I greatly appreciated the warm and dry weather, coming from a country of endless precipitation most of the year. But it felt 'right' somehow. Also, it may shock you to hear that the amount of aerosol cover seemed way less than I had expected.

Sometimes when I look at our skies in Europe I really want to despair. It's gotten so bad in recent years.

I do not want to sound like an ideologue... but when I found out for myself that we are not opposed to nature as human beings, but rather an integral extension of each other on a fundamental level (beyond matter) this whole 'fighting the dangerous nature environment' notion has crumbled completely. We do these things because of our Western myth that we take for actuality, doing "well-meant" things which make the situation worse than it was.

It's the same reason why I do not think starting to mess with our own genetics is a good idea. Humans will never outsmart nature, and I think that was never the point of life either.

Recognition of human's relationship to it is. But what do I know?! ;)

Seeing as there are many technical solutions to grow food in a sustainable way using engineered ecosystem-approaches instead of masses of water and fertilizer, the problem could be nonexistent.

But, in the US as here, farmers have been sucked into the industry behemoth and chemtrails show up in kid's Disney movies now. Until barely anyone remembers this ever looking different.

If they are still with us:
Ask your grandmother if the skies have always looked this way!

They will remember.

Sorry, I'm starting to ramble now ;)
I thoroughly enjoyed your article and will dig more through your blog, these gems are really worth reading.

Also, good to know where to go once I decide to get in on Poker ;)
Much love