Sometimes you just sit back and think what if my life was different from this, what if I was born beautiful a princess with lovely castle, what if I have my own world at the back of my yard, what if I can do magic, fly speak to animals.... While that did be cool but WHAT IFS don't pay the bills, the just bring you down its good to have dreams, but the beauty of it all is to have a dream that you can be accomplish, have a dream that when you look at yourself five or so years from now you did fell I DID IT and then you will find your reality beautiful because when dreams come true the give you alot of joy... So the real me is a dreamer but a dreamer will goals and passion. If I can set my mind that I can make it then I fell everyone can you just have to dream your own reality and then work hard.
The Real me
5 years ago in #general by nanaaiys (46)