Trans on Gender: How do you know you are this and not that?

in #gender8 years ago (edited)

We often get the question of how it is that we know we are transsexual and not just a feminine man or a masculine woman, why not homosexual? Where is this certainty that "you know if you are" coming from? I've laid out an answer for this since the question was asked in a group I belong to and now I wish to publish it in Steemit because it's the safest place I know of for storage.

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You can be a male and like males (or the opposite), that does not affect your gender. You can be a male and like things associated to femininity and that does not make you a woman. So how do you know?

i dont own image

The real question I think you are trying to put out there is what gender really is, something that has been discussed at length but remains controversial.

Yes! There is an aspect of gender as we know it that speaks of construct, roles designed to be carried out depending on your sex, roles that do not respond to reality and can be quite damaging to humanity. Still, to me, after having thought about this for so many years there is more to gender than its cultural interpretation and enforcement.

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I think gender is energy, a type of energy we cannot yet measure so we have not been able to study by gathering data using the scientific method. Some civilizations would think of gender as a spiritual affair, specially those with religions that had a maternal focus in their deities and hierarchical structures. It's energy, and this energy has a physical manifestation.

For some people the manifestation of this energy flows without a problem, that's not to say that a female who displays the likes and mentality associated with manhood is not flowing correctly or vice versa. The way I see it all humans carry this energy with them, both masculine and feminine, usually there is a dominant energy and it has manifested in the physical representation of that human being. This is why we have what some have decided to call cisgender people, people whose dominant energy has manifested congruently with their biological presentation. Those whose dominant (if they have one that is dominant) energy has not manifested biologically or does not flow effortlessly we call transgender.

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How does one tell apart these energies?

Here's where it gets tricky/sensitive, before you pass judgment in what I am about to say I ask that you approach my perspective with an open heart and the sincere desire to understand it... Gender stereotypes have not been created out of thin air, nor are they completely reliant on strategical oppression systems.

Yes! Many of the stereotypes associated with masculinity and femininity are simply a social construct, most other stereotypes speak of the way genders perceive each other, an observant point of view that is often accompanied by mockery of sorts due to the way males and females (and their assigned roles) have been made to believe they are separated from each other and often made to compete. And yet, it is undeniable that there are fundamental trends most obviously observed in cisgender that remain through millennia; trends that have survived catastrophe, trends that see no limit to the landscape, no restriction to culture, genotype, age, language, physical ability, financial status, religion, ect.

Despite the fact that we cannot measure feminine and masculine energy just yet, I believe we can use science to make the math on these trends and perhaps come to the determination that some gender stereotypes are born out of a reality that goes even beyond biology.

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I will not say which stereotypes reflect to the manifestation of each gender, I am not the one to speak confidently of matters as complex as this one, and at the end of the day it does not really matter because the very notion that one is doomed to be/react a certain way due to biology is ludicrous. Why would it matter what's masculine and feminine if everyone is both? I can only see an argument arising from assigning names to something we do not understand fully. All we need to know is that everyone should be able to be/act/react the way they want to so long as it does not impact another negatively, no one should be forced/influenced into anything that does not feel right to them.

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If we did not care so much as a society to assign characteristics to gender then perhaps there would be less people who would identify as transgender. Many people who believe they are transgender are simply displeased with gender roles (and/or its cultural interpretation) to the point of protest, I think those people are trying to figure out what gender is on their own terms and I can't say that's a bad thing.

As for transsexual people, being myself one of them, I can only say that those who are will know they are. One knows because this particular gender combination has some sort of magnetic force that drives you to change, to transform. One cannot describe the energy that attracts (or separates) magnets, but it's there nonetheless and so is its physical manifestation. Transsexualism is gravitational.

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Identification with archetypes, symbols in our consciousness since primordial times. Anima/Animus. I like Jungian interpretations for the aspects of being which we can't always explain in rational terms. Essentially a trans person could be said to experience life through the unconscious in Jungian terms. I never thought about it that way until just now.

edit: someone identifyng as non-gender, in the external materially world, I think has an identity crisis. a type of limbo, as I dont think that can be a state to not lean more one way than the other.

I just became familiar some of Jung's work yesterday and find it intriguing, I was going to write about him here in a few days after studying some more.

Yes, you are right. There are people who use symbols of neutrality to indicate that they are having trouble seeing themselves in humanity. For example, I have never met anyone who identifies as asexual agender and wasn't repulsed by genitals in some way. But still, even if some or all of us are sick and there's nothing else to it, speaking about these interpretations is very important to identify what exactly is going on.

I found sometimes, that it is of great help in handling such a case, to encourage them, to express their peculiar contents either in the form of writing or of drawing and painting. There are so many incomprehensible intuitions in such cases, phantasy fragments that rise from the unconscious, for which there is almost no suitable language. I let my patients find their own symbolic expressions, their “mythology.”
― C.G. Jung, The Red Book

Cis, trans, gay, straight, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, genderqueer, all these labels used to pigeonhole humanity as a whole. There's room for everyone in this world. Anyone that says differently seems a bit small-minded to me. Thank you for sharing, and know that you've got at least one ally on here.



I think cancer is funny if you cant tell by now.

This is based on pseudoscience.
Why do people in the LGBTQ++++ not mention Alfred Kinsey's children he used in his studies? Why do they dismiss the founder of the gay rights movement link to NAMBLA? I've talked to some who have told me about the 'child grooming' and I've seen it happen online over the past 15 years especially through the use of the online pop culture fandoms.
And now in my country they are teaching 5 year olds "gender theory" and telling them not to refer or use the words "boy" and "girl", "mother" and "father". 5 year olds. They have not hit puberty, their minds are undeveloped. They are at their most vulnerable and it is very suspect that people are selecting to indoctrinate people with this, this is not education when it is not based in fact. Ideology is not based in fact, but in collective belief.

People wanted religions out of public schools. This Tumblr marxist "queer theory"+"gender theory" is not based on science. It is a biased and blatant attack on children whose parents don't get a choice in this, the schools make this mandatory. If this stuff has any basis in reality it wouldn't need so much propaganda and indoctrination in order to push it. And getting to the children while they're young is child abuse. And people both gay and trans I've spoken to have also said the same thing.
This stuff has only exploded through our current pretentious narcissist victim culture who are competing with everyone else on social media and so they claim to be the most "unique" thing imaginable to get the most popularity.
There are people identifying as cats, dogs and a older man thinks he ia a 6 year old girl, and it is reported his adoptive parents engage in BDSM with him. This is either people having identity issues or it is a new age counter-culture cult that has gone to the extreme. And there are trans who are very upset with the mockery of this sensitive topic.
The timing of all this is suspect too since this all became the focus when gay marriage was made law in the US, then all of a sudden it was like "ok next in line." No wonder assume this is all some marxist attempt to destabilize western society. And it is doing just that, Canada and American's college's have become daycare centers. It is the trans people who transition who get hurt in this, while the people making gender out to be some fashion accessory into a joke.


The problem is that you are seeing it as a single collective push.

Not because trans people get together it means they agree on anything other that they may have similar issues, it doesn't mean they agree on solutions or even like each other.

Do you not know anyone can call themselves whatever they want and say whatever they want?

How do you know this subject hasn't been presented to you in the way it has to distract you? So that you stress over the supposed trans people going to schools and brainwashing children while you are being robbed of your future... You think you are warning people but the truth is that you are distracting them even further.

I never said it was science, I made sure to highlight the fact that it is my perception of things. But you can't see this because you are frustrated over thinking people are not listening to you. The dangers you bring up are not new and trans people have been talking about it, this is not some conspiracy to destroy gender, that makes no sense.

You should go through my blog and see some of the other articles/comments I've left on the subject.

In short, some trans people used the internet very well to deal with some of their issues and people took notice. The subject was then highjacked and used to distract you while you are made believe a representative was chosen. Once the elections are over you are unlikely to hear from us again, our image is being used, just like gays or race, and you are helping.