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RE: Non Binary Kids

in #gender8 years ago (edited)

I really dislike the way you put me in situations where I have to defend the right to have a valid opinion

This! This is exactly why I did it. So that you know why some of those kids go so crazy when they feel like they have to tell you about their personal lives just to make a point that they know what they are talking about when they speak of their desires, about the way they see the world.

I'm not telling you to play along and tell them they are right, I am telling you that if you want them to listen, calling them names is not going to help.

Movements are not necessarily about agreeing about solutions or about what the problems are. The only thing necessary for a movement to form is for people to come together thinking they have an issue in common that can't be tackled individually.

this idea that if you disagree with a group you become an oppressor and are part of the problem

Some trans people may hold this idea but this is not an idea created by trans people and I think it is dangerous to foster its association to us. This idea I see more prevalent in feminism but is not even exclusive to feminism. You can see this idea in a lot of places, some cults are very famous for using these tactics to keep a following. It is the same idea that drives prople to believe all speaking against Hillary are supporting Trump.

This is the idea I am trying to bring awareness to, because it is what in my opinion is causing most problems. But people thinking that I hold this idea because I am trans have an agenda and disregarding what I have to say makes my work a lot more difficult.

Your are not disagreeing with groups, you are disagreeing with actions born of ideas.