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RE: Non Binary Kids

in #gender8 years ago

there is a difference in letting your kid know they will be loved no matter and telling a kid under 5 they don't have to be a boy and if you want to be a girl we will stil love you when the kid would never think that unless brought up by an outside source.
the father I triggered by the term "tom boy" and when people told him to embrace it he would get triggered.

Give me a child and I'll shape him into anything. - B. F. Skinner

Its a brave new world and it has to do with conditioning.

the poor girl is 5 they are talking about and instead of just letting her be who se was and into things that might not it into their (the parents) ideas of the rold that determins they then go on to tell the little girl she can be a boy instead. because the little girl like stuff that isn't made only for girls? why cant the kid just be a girl that's into whatever? girls cant be into sports now they have to go gender nutrual or trans or something?
Kids that young soak up anything and everything they are around so telling them they can be boy or girl becomes reality to them escpecally when coming from their parents.
Idk, when I watch it all I can think of is I got the simple truth the birds and the bees and now the kids in kindergarten get 200 genders based off of the things your into and you can change whenever you want and play pretend and make believe land and if anyone else says different they have a problem not you and they still cant accept it takes a male and a female to make a baby. so now we got dudes that say they are lesibans dating girls that say they are lezbo so in the end they are just straight but cant say it that way because they are a non binary couple and the dude goes by xe and zed and the girl goes buy they them. its all make believe. its still a dude and a chick even if they are fucked in the head and there for perfect for each other.
I shouldn't have to play to there fantasy because if I don't I might offend them. also to raise kids like that is child abuse imo, but whatever nothing I am going to do is going to help them. they have to many enabelers and supporters and the idea is to make it the norm.
All I can do is watch and laugh at this point.

You can ignore reality, but you can't ignore the consequences of ignoring reality. -Ayn Rand


If you can shape the kid into anything, what does that say about the nature of gender? Basically you are telling me that it is learned, and while a lot of it is, I think some of it is not.

If you can change what you call reality with a little media influence, what does that say about this reality?

I guess I am trying to understand what your fear is with this subject, because the situation of parents indoctrinating their children into a number of things that could be harmful is not new. What it is about the possibility of this potential form of indoctrination that bothers you so much? Is it that you feel pressured to play along or else look like you're stupid or backwards?

I can't see how anyone would want their child to be trans, I can see how people would want to get attention and even use their children for this purpose, but they will use whatever subject they think they can get attention with.

I can understand someone being afraid of the psychological consequences of repressing a child's true personality, I can't understand them only applying this concern to certain kids.


Interesting - I have a post coming out that sort of brushes this issue with a discussion I was having elsewhere, but it's not hugely related to what I'm posting.

It's one that I'm interested in though because as I understand it we are binary beings, no matter what we say we have a penis or a vagina (or both) and we are sexually attracted to either male, or female people (or both). I can't see how someone can come out and say "I'm non-binary" when were are clearly binary beings.

But again, as I say, I'm open to interpretation, I only take this stance because I found out the term non-binary only last night lol

I personally can't relate to those who refer to their gender as non-binary, but there were times in which I felt that I didn't fit into the existing cathegories and started trying to explain myself by using words I had created or thought decribed my situation better. Often these kids feel like they don't belong, like an alien, and I think that has a lot to do with the adoption of identities that aim to differienciate themselves from what they observe as the norm, what people assume of them that they don't identify with.

There are people who think there is such a thing as the ultimate men or woman, since they can't achieve the 100% of things people think their sex should be like or do, they protest this in a number of ways, sometimes by rejecting the idea that there are trends that tend to manifest given a person's biology, which can be quite dangerous.

Yep. Definitely dangerous. And I am keen on this subject because a core part of my wellness was becoming comfortable with my sexuality. That I am, in fact, hetero-sexual and male, and that I do cry and have strong, powerful emotions and that's fine also.

I think identifying yourself within your core being, whether you are hetero, bi, homo, or trans is healthy in my opinion - separating yourself from that is not healthy. But again, I could be wrong. It's all opinion and speculation from my end right now