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RE: Non Binary Kids

in #gender8 years ago (edited)

When I was a teen there was a book released about a boy raised as a girl by his mom (from toddler age). It was a high selling book, a big rage over it like she abused him. I dunno. i just know that all these things to do with gender are topsy turvy. Kids can figure out what they are without being coaxed into it from a young age.

The only issue I have with gendered toys are that girl toys are often stupid shit like a pink toy shopping cart. Kids learn that shit getting dragged along shopping anyway. Some people are the other way around and are paranoid about their kids being 'gay' so lay on the stereotypes thick; even as the kid gets older and shows on their own a preference for things more typical of their non-biological gender. The best thing a parent can do is back off and just treat the kid like they are an individual and normal. No, i'm not a parent, but from the outside it looks like some contemporary parents are way over-involved in their kids identity. No wonder childhood is extended, with people delaying the differentiation from parents phase to this extent.

Kids like when the adults in their lives teach them what they're asked. Kids are also easily molded, like skeptic said. If it's truly about what someone identifies, just let them figure out by exploring the world just as they figure out other things. Support unobtrusively. It's not hard to observe and adjust to their preferences.

That's how it happened with my relative. he liked dolls and sailor moon, act a little girly more and more each year, we all knew he was gay. We played dolls with him as kids, his parents bought him dolls, and no one had a talk about gender politics to confuse the kid. And when we became older he 'came out'.

I also lived with a young trans-man who was transitioning as a teens. He just figured it out on his own and made the decision. Same experience with their trans friends. The difference seems to me the acceptance in school and society.

Gender exists as we can tell that most people identify with their birth gender, or the opposite. so many Two-spirited people I met never cared if they were called either he or she by someone at any moment. your choice. So there are extreme opinions from pro-trans too. Calling someone transphobic because they don't believe in non-binary pronouns, is no better than insisting that a hyperfeminine transwoman is 'still a man' It's not right to assume trans people automatically hold the beliefs of every transadvocate in the media

I can sympathize from more personal experience. Still at my age, my more traditional parent seems to have some paranioa like I might have a sex change because I want to be a mechanic. 'Are you sure? How many women do that?' And she kept offering to buy me dresses all last year. I leave it alone cuz she's from the generation she is.

These petty obstacles are very real, for people who just want to be who they are. So I'm also baffled by how some transactivists want to push their beliefs like "there's no biological sex' on people. What about belief diversity? As if their feelings of being referred to by a non-binary pronoun are more important than another persons ingrained or adopted beliefs about gender. that shit is 1984, and does more harm than help to the rights of trans ppl imo.

And record word count in replies belongs to me!!!


It's not right to assume trans people automatically hold the beliefs of every transadvocate in the media


People may get together because they recognize they may have similar problems, not because they agree in a solution.