Thanks for the comment. I'm not sure the psychological community adopted gender to define personality, but in the study of personality differences between genders were found, and hastily attributed to cultural causes. Much suffering came from this Blank Slate position within the psychological and medical communities, John Money being a leading figure there.
To anticipate some points I'll make, here are some bullet points:
- I think there's enough evidence that there are evolutionary and biological roots to the sexes and their average differences in brain and behaviour.
- Like many other things the sexes are amenable to some cultural influence, to the point that there are societies with more than two sex categories, however they are rare, and their extra categories are based on other thinks that not wholly determined by culture either, like minority sexual orientations.
- Much insight can be gained from comparing the sexes as social categories with the Indian castes - the latter are good examples of actual socially constructed categories.
- Sciences "softer" than physics deal all the time with exceptions to rules. That doesn't mean they should give up on finding rules that govern natural phenomena. Therefore objections to my arguments appealing to exceptions are irrelevant.
Generally speaking ... if it doesn't affect me I don't worry about it.