How I met Black Power Ranger Walter Jones
Most of you may have seen the Power Rangers. That TV series, which became popular over there in the 1990s, even until recently there have been several episodes and versions, including a movie that was shown in 2017, making a new start to the original saga, adapting it to modern times.
In my case when I was 7 years old, it was the series of the moment, and so much was my taste for the series that I begged my parents for months to let me do karate, because I wanted to imitate my TV heroes.
After a while, and a lot of insistence, they enrolled me in an academy near my home, in the martial art called Kenpo Karate. You could say that the Power Rangers, is one of my passions, because somehow everything I like, I have materialized and brought to real life.
Years later, Kenpo Karate, made me travel through much of my country, and also outside of it, in fact, I had the honor of representing Venezuela in several international competitions, which filled me with pride, and as a personal note: there is nothing more beautiful, than listening to the notes of your national anthem in foreign land, and knowing that they sound is for you, makes your heart shrink and escape the tears of happiness.
I still practice my beloved sport, but at home with my father, (who also practices it) and in turn I teach it to my daughter. This is because of the current pandemic. I hope that when everything is back to normal, I will be able to teach again.
Because of my incursion into the geek world, and the arrival of conventions in Venezuela, I had the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet one of the heroes of my childhood, none other than the charismatic Walter Jones, "Zack, the Original Black Power"
That July 13, 2013, like any other Saturday, I boarded the Caracas Comic Con, one of the most emblematic conventions that have been presented in Venezuela, a great comic event with animation, video games, cosplay, role-playing games, workshops and autograph signings.
Some of the cosplayers had the Power Rangers theme: the Green Ranger and Rita Repulsa, as a preamble to the main event of this edition of the convention
It is worth mentioning that most of the Venezuelan cosplayers present great quality and effort to make their costumes and represent them at the height of their characters.
After enjoying, buying some things, the expected moment arrived, meeting my idol, armed with my camera my Umbrella blouse and cap and my blue hair, I set out to meet the original black Power Ranger
Walter Emmanuel Jones, born on November 30, 1970, grew up in the city of Detroit in a poor home, but being raised with family values, he fought to stand out from an environment surrounded by violence and drugs by developing a talented and successful presence in the entertainment industry.
He appeared amidst applause, shouts and even declarations of love from the female audience, immediately his presence brought a comfortable, dynamic and very pleasant atmosphere for all those present.
Sus primeras palabras fueron: Morphin Time, acompañado de la respectiva pose.
His first words were: Morphin Time, accompanied by the respective pose.
Pero eso no fue todo, la gran sorpresa del día, fue ver a Walter Jones, bailando Salsa
But that wasn't all, the big surprise of the day was seeing Walter Jones, dancing Salsa
Resulta que el Black Ranger original, tiene un impresionante currículo en el baile: ha entrenado en ritmos como Salsa, Hip Hop, Jazz, Ballet, Moderno, y Tap. Walter ha trabajado como profesor y coreógrafo y ha compartido su amor por la danza, tanto en Estados Unidos como en el extranjero. Fue elegido como uno de los cincuenta bailarines para representar a Estados Unidos en la Ceremonia de Clausura de los Juegos Olímpicos de Barcelona 1992.
As it turns out, the original Black Ranger has an impressive dance resume: he has trained in rhythms such as Salsa, Hip Hop, Jazz, Ballet, Modern, and Tap. Walter has worked as a teacher and choreographer and has shared his love of dance, both in the United States and abroad. He was chosen as one of fifty dancers to represent the United States at the Closing Ceremony of the 1992 Barcelona Olympics.
Se ha destacado tanto en la Salsa, que En el Mundial de Salsa obtuvo el título de Campeón del Mundo Maya en 2004
He has stood out so much in Salsa that at the World Salsa Championships he won the title of Mayan World Champion in 2004
Cuando por fin pude pasar al área donde se encontraba dando autógrafos y fotografías, no pude esconder mi emoción y le comenté que gracias a los Power Rangers Originales, yo empecé mi a practicar artes marciales, no solo se tomó las tan apreciadas fotos que les muestro a continuación, sino que me abrazo y mi felicito por mis logros y que le hacía muy feliz haber influenciado de manera positiva mi vida.
When I finally got to the area where he was giving autographs and pictures, I couldn't hide my excitement and told him that thanks to the Original Power Rangers, I started my martial arts practice. He not only took the much appreciated pictures that I show you below, but he hugged me and congratulated me on my achievements and that he was very happy to have influenced my life in a positive way.
Thank you, Walter. Thank you

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