Welcome Back!!
I too run a small business and it is a digital marketing business @town-crier Funny because we not only help other small businesses leverage social media in a marketing context, we help them get online and selling too.
One thing you should know is that when you post on a hive front end, you should always link your company website with a few descriptive key words. The post appears on at least a dozen other front ends, which are platforms, which are unique websites linking back. Google and other search engines love this.
thank you so much! good to see you again!
Your day job sounds so interesting - do you also have experience in PPC marketing? I have found FB marketing really quite terrible since the iOS14 release
Also thanks for the tip re the linking, will check that out for sure
Day job is a handful as platforms like Facebook are constantly changing and we have to stay on top of it. PPC marketing is a very important one to do properly for sure as it can be a big waste of money. For Google, you want to appear at the top of the searches with a PPC but not have anyone actually click and you should only really do this when no local competition is.
As for facebook, Boosting a post is a bit of a hopeful waste of money and you should simply create an ad set for more metrics coming back at you.
Another tip is that google doesn't index your facebook posts as your content. It is associated with facebook.com. Best to post on local platforms like https://shopstratford.ca for example so it is boosting your SEO rather then Zucker.