Terminando Cosecha De " Chimbombo"

in #gems16 days ago





Buenos días tengan todos ,continuando con lo cosechado este es un rubro que se recoge inerdiario ya que crece muy rápido y se endurece y no se puede comer luego porque se seca. Ayer aproveche de agarrar algunos y sancochar ya que recogieron para la venta unos pocos kilos y ya no van quedando.porque son.pocas las matas.


Good morning everyone, continuing with what has been harvested, this is an item that is harvested on an daily basis since it grows very quickly and hardens and cannot be eaten later because it dries out. Yesterday I took the opportunity to grab some and parboil them since they collected a few kilos for sale and there are no longer any left because there are few bushes.

Thank you for reading me, the photos of my property, greetings and blessings to all 🙏