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RE: Handsewn Stockings and a Stolen Christmas

in #gems3 years ago

This is fabulous. Very fabulous.

Making stockings isn't one of the Christmas traditions we have over here. We majorly do shopping, buying new clothes, travelling to reunite with our families (including extended families) and alot more. Heheh.

This stockings tradition must be a very dear one in your heart. It is wholy made with care and love. Well Done.

As for your childhood experience, it must have been traumatic, but I'm glad that it didn't stop you from following your heart and carrying on with this tradition. Heheh.

@dreemsteem brought me to your post 😊😂.


Thank you @dreemsteem for sharing the love! Yes, it has been our tradition for as long as I can remember. I am big on traditions and trying to make memories for the kiddos! Childhood experiences can affect us for good or bad and can follow us well into adulthood. This makes me want to create all.the good that I can for them. Also, thanks for reblogging! That is so nice of you!

awwwwwwwww isn't she great?!?!!

i love her already! hahahaha so glad that you're here enjoying her too!!!

i hope that she will start to come to DreemPort - you should invite her ;)

@dreemsteem, how do I sign up for dreemport/discord? I uploaded the app on my phone, but do I just create a new account, does it link to here?

This is the link you need to get to the discord server

I don't use mobile much. I prefer the desktop but it looks like if you hit the hamburger menu in the top left it will show you the icons for the servers.. at the bottom you'll see a +.. click there to use the link I just gave you

Since you already have the App on your gadget, you can use your email to set up a profile there. You can use the same name you have here to crate the account.

After setting it up, This link will bring you into Dreemport server.

Can't wait to see you there.