Mujer Piel Morena (Poema)

in #gems3 years ago

Bienvenidos nuevamente mi gente bella de Hive, hoy quiero compartir un poema escrito por mi, inspirado en esos momentos bonitos de la vida en donde de manera inexplicable sentimos atracción tanto sentimental y física hacia una persona, en donde el corazón habla y la cordura no es tanta
Quiero recalcar que el poema se logra leer en prosa en español, intente traducirlo al ingles pero al no dominar tanto el idioma se me hizo algo complejo, igual les dejo la traducción

Welcome back my beautiful people from Hive, today I want to share a poem written by me, inspired by those beautiful moments in life where in an inexplicable way we feel both sentimental and physical attraction towards a person, where the heart speaks and sanity is not so much

I want to emphasize that the poem can be read in prose in Spanish, I tried to translate it into English but as I did not master the language so much it became something complex, I will leave the translation to you

Para los que vieron mi introdutionself, podran ver que resalto este poema en mi apartado artístico lo vuelvo a recalcar ya que este poema es el primero que hice y el primero que quiero compartir con vosotros

For those who saw my introdutionself, you can see that I highlight this poem in my artistic section I emphasize it again since this poem is the first I did and the first that I want to share with you


Me gusta hacer mis poemas a papel y lápiz siento mas originalidad y me hace remontar a tiempos mas antiguos
I like to write my poems on paper and pencil I feel more originality and it makes me go back to older times

Esa mujer piel morena que he conocido hace poco a cambiado mi faena, y casi me a vuelto loco.

Tiene unos ojos tan bellos cual si fueran 2 luceros
pues pude yo verme en ellos en su mirada de hechiceros
Sus labios son fruta jugosa puro deseo hambriento y al sonreír es tan preciosa y por no ser mía me lamento

En su pelo suave y delicado quisiera yo enredar mi sueño
Y en su cuerpo quedar sepultado para siempre ser su dueño

Del vegal que hay en su pecho yo quisiera tenerlo todo;
para ejercer en ella mi derecho y hacer las cosas a mi modo

Su cuerpo es pura belleza que nadie podrá igualar pues acá la naturaleza se supo glorificar
Si algun día fuera mía esa mujer piel oscura, con ella yo moriría amándola con locura

That dark-skinned woman I have recently met has changed my job, and almost made me crazy.

She has such beautiful eyes as if they were 2 stars
Well, I could see myself in them in their wizard eyes
Her lips are juicy fruit pure hungry desire and when she smiles she is so precious and for not being mine I regret

In her hair, soft and delicate, I would like to entangle my dream
And in her body to be buried forever to be its owner

Of the vegal that is in her chest I would like to have it all;
to exercise my right in it and do things my way

Her body is pure beauty that no one can match because here nature was known to glorify
If that dark skinned woman were mine one day, with her I would die loving her madly