There is a time for rest.

in #gems5 years ago

There is a time for rest.

It's been super hectic for me for the past few months and the past 3days straight was quite crazy cause it had been like half a year i didn't touch my makeup tools and hair setting tools too.
Waking up at odd hours such as 3am/4am in the morning and getting ready for my early morning job. 😂
That was one crazy thing to do,when you are so used to sleeping late and only managed to catch 3hrs sleep or less than that.

Plus I'm not really an early morning person but if I have makeup jobs it's a must.🙈

The past 3days was crazy that last night I ended up getting my whole body aching + a headache too.
Going to sleep last night was a nightmare and waking up today was you haven't sleep the whole night with that slight headache that is still there. 🥴

Then I realised I'm actually mentally exhausted.
So today I've decided to get a good rest and do something that can loosen out that tensed feeling in my head.
Having to listen to some music to distract myself from everything that has been going on in my head and some reading to relax my mind.

Just wondering how did I manage to hold on to everything so strongly with so much patience before,trying to balance everything when it's off balance.
I guess it's having a small gateway away from home alone that has done some of the trick to reset everything but now my trip has been on hold since March until now.

Hoping that anytime soon, I will be able to plan for a small gateway to relax and reset everything again.

Whenever I'm mentally exhausted, I would always remind myself to just relax, take a deep breath or cry it out so and it does works for awhile to loosen those tension out.

For those who are feeling emotional exhaustion, it's okay to do so and you're not alone.
We are just human, it's not everyday that is our happy day right?
Somedays might be a bad one,someday it might a chill one, and someday you just breakdown for all the reasons why or perhaps no reason why.

Sometimes we are too busy focusing to get everything done on time, without even realising that you slowly carry those small stress, worries and negative energy from your surroundings into your mind that had eventually built up way too much that makes you feel all tired and exhausted mentally everyday.

If only you have time to realise it fast enough and give yourself some time to realise all of that before you even unconsciously fall into a depression mode and next into anxiety mode.

Sometimes you don't only take care of others but do spare some time for your ownself, be aware of your own mental , physical and body state so that you will have a balanced and healthy life daily. 😊

Let me show u all something that was freshly harvest from my mom's garden. 😱


Super long Ladies finger! 😱😱😱
First time seeing it in this size. 😂😂😂



Oooh, that harvest looks great, what do you plan on making with it?