"I guess I was still carrying some illusions. This time last year, the word 'society' still meant something. The word 'intelligence', the word 'history'. 'Culture' - there's another one. You talk to people now and it's not long until you start thinking, "My words and your words mean different things."
What's a human being anyway?
It's all fallen apart. We're all rats in one enormous clusterfuck of a maze with a million flavours of branded behavioural drugs and loaded guns in every doorway.
I said to our ten-year-old yesterday in the supermarket, you're living in Zombieland. I try within reason to shield the kids from the reality of this but kids aren't stupid. These people have lost it, they've lost their minds. Parading about in their masks pretending they're good people, pretending they give a shit about others - it's bollocks, it's all bollocks.
All they give a shit about is the continuation of the illusion of their shitty iniquitous world; all they want is to go to work and jam the radio on the State Propaganda channel and listen to it pump out a load of brain-numbing popchurn and nod along to the fake music and write a load of fake corporate emails and talk a lot of fake fucking shit to their Stakhanovite comrades and then fuck off home to their stupid shithouse cubes where everything shy of the fishtank is hooked up to the wifi and they can stuff a load of microwaved MSG down their bloated necks in front of the fucking IDIOT BOX which like some neoPlatonic nightmare-come-true has them strung like puppets to the shadows. These people are sick. They want Normal and it doesn't matter what the fuck Normal is, and it doesn't matter what the suicide rate is, they don't care and I'm learning at ninety miles an hour that they never will and never did.
They don't care that the anti-human measures being broadcast 24/7 are killing people, killing relationships, killing livelihoods and making people fucking miserable. They don't care who starves, they don't care who loses, they don't care who goes bankrupt, they don't care who ends up homeless and they certainly don't care who fucking dies.
Everyone wearing a mask is completely full of shit.
What a bunch of cowards and posers and soulless fake people pass for Englishmen today. If there were a war today against a committed enemy, yet we outnumbered them fifty to one we'd lose. To think that we once stormed the beaches of Normandy - to think that we handed bayonets to kids and had them run over the top into a hail of bullets, and yet here we are surrendering our rights and our freedom and our sovereignty to the exact definition of a Nazi regime. If Hitler came past in an open-top parade these cunts would probably give him the Sieg Heil. I haven't enough spit for how disgusted I am. People being denied organ transplants until they've accepted the product of a vaccine manufacturer? Denied treatment? What a bunch of absolute fucking Nazis.
England isn't a landmass, it's a people, and England is a fucking joke. The NHS these people worship is nothing but a branded rainbow, 100% under the dominion and direction of the pharmaceutical hydra.
These people are beyond help, they are beyond intervention. God knows the only purpose of school is Compliance - wear a tie, face the front, stop talking, work to the bell, visit detention, don't be late, pay the fine, fill out the form, laugh with the group, mourn with the group, scorn with the group, jump, sit, stand, get a job, pay taxes, wear that mask, dig that hole, put on that badge, take this medicine, look at this news, put on this uniform, think this, don't think that, say this, don't say that, ignore this genocide, get in that boxcar, ignore that suicide, don't question that doctor, repeat after me: "the government loves you", get out of the boxcar, ignore those bodies, kneel in the dirt, suck this nozzle.
Death by a thousand papercuts, this place - they threaten you with something big or expensive or humiliating and you can avoid it with a tiny compliant action which because it is contrary to your free will obliterates you by degrees, until there is nothing left worth saving, nothing left worth living. Well I will not comply.
Forget about convincing these people.
They don't want to know: by reading out ingredients you're just ruining their pathetic group flagellation and they won't just throw you under the bus - they'll drive it over you themselves. You're one voice, one encounter, one moment in a bewildering and uncertain world of vague terrors and dimly-illuminated threats and when you're out of the picture they will bumble home in their masks and turn on the TV and it will babble nonsense, garbage and perversity at them and it will ride the alpha waves into the tightly-wound strings of their anygdalae and there it will resonate like wolves circling the horizons of their shrinking domain and YOU will be forgotten.
Spare me the mockery of the terrified. I seriously question the basic human instinct of the dumb obedient troglodytes happily and without the least hesitation or forethought throwing the rights we all have necessarily as equals right on the fucking bonfire. Under these circumstances, "society" means nothing.
Bunch of moral supremacist book burning lobotomised reverse-scientific cunts. Their senses have left them.
This road we're on might as well be signposted "gulags".
The cunts orchestrating this fucking bullshit had better hope they win because if they don't, I ain't wasting bricks building prisons."
The following day Rob wrote:
"Do you ever wonder what it feels like to be part of a population undergoing genocide?
We were behind at work, so I and some others were asked to go in early on the Saturday. We waited for 45 minutes in the rain to go inside, because the supervisor had a flat tyre and no one had keys.
When I got inside, he came to see me. I was soaked to the bone and feeling a little wild. He was standing there in a mask, holding a temperature gun, trying to point it at my forehead; trying to get me to validate the insanity of this fake virus by complying with the rigmarole and rulemanship — the iatrogenic illness infecting our collapsing world. I interrupted him and said,
"Hey, I've got a joke."
I took a deep breath, kind of twattishly theatrically, and said: "Genocide."
Then I just stared at him.
Two seconds passed and he just physically recoiled, like a snake had bitten him. Then I did the little drumroll-cymbal noise and said, "Sorry, I went straight to the punchline."
Which it is.
Genocide is the punchline to a bad joke and on a planet where ten percent of the inhabitants could prove the other ninety percent insane in a court of law, we're it.
We're the joke.
We are experiencing genocide.
We are being genocided.
Ho ho ho ho oh genocide ho ho hahaha ho genocide!
Though, do you ever think about what that even IS?
How insane it is, conceptually?
If you like being alive, and you like growing, learning, questioning, exploring, laughing, living dangerously, singing out your flatline, laughing and fighting, then genocide should be difficult to comprehend.
Who are you?
You, my friend, are not human. That's just a word, and You are so much more — so very much more. You are a process, an identity found, an identity changing, an identity rejected.
You're a metamorph, burning hieroglyphic fossils into shifting dunes.
You, cunt — hiding behind your mask.
I see two frightened eyes and another mother's smothered smile.
You think you're a Man?
You're a droplet of clay writhing into existence within the ocean of time.
You're a screaming stillborn rainbow.
You're big brother's bad nightmare, spitting the rivets from the steel-plated cabinet that contains your soul. You're a coffin stuffed with napkins, swinging open in the rain. You're the pain that hunts for pleasure.
You're no lizard, you're an arrogant and flippant little fish.
You can't fly, my Archeopteryx, you're dead, pal, you're extinct +/— put your fingerwings away.
Mask me, inject me, chip me, barcode me, wrap me up in adverts and shrink-wrap my voice.
Products have no rights.
Genocide, man.
What's the point?
I look in the mirror and I have no idea what that is staring back.
Some blob of symmetry-obeying mimicry-describing self-life TEMPORARILY taking human form en route to becoming a fish again, or a flying fish, a birdfish or a treesquid, flashing its opalescent songskin at the whistling trees where skyscrapers rest in the ground in leviathan sleep, aluminium bones of Epoch Past beneath Orion.
Better stop that from happening, I suppose.
Do you ever think about this shit?
Like, am I blind or mad or misinterpreting light here or what?
Hayley said this to me earlier by the way. She was trying (and succeeding) to outwit me in another bullshit argument, I think we got to the point of her or me having to accept being wrong or just deny reality and she said: "Maybe we just interpret light differently."
I started laughing.
She is a genius.
We spend our evenings reading legal maxims.
We're LOOKING for a fight, at this point, I tell ya.
I don't understand humans.
What actually is even the mindset behind trying to control the evolutionary process?
All these eugenicists pissing into the winds of chaos.
Killing people for their shade and tone, wresting away their history, hating their beliefs.
It's like killing a fish for being a monkey en route to being a superintelligent genius manifesting itself in accordance with all observable measurable mathematical patterns.
Am I mental for seeing things this way?
Do I need a straitjacket here or will the cops provide that service free of charge in this Communist wet-dream prelude to the utter spunkfest orgy of paedophilia, degradation and filth, masquerading as "government", that led Orwell, through fear of perdition, one suspects, to self-censor?
Any parent putting their kids in masks is guilty of child abuse.
If it breaks your heart to send your child to school in a mask, DON'T send them to school.
Don't consent.
Fuck these fake Johnny-come-lately institutions.
Don't validate their insanity.
Did someone order fascism?
Was that Trump-brand or Biden-brand grade-F stake?
Oh look! Trump is king now, and the wars have fucked off, and the media has fucked off, and the pretending we-care-about-anything-other-than-what-we-think-others-think-about-us has fucked off, yay for Trump, oh let's give Biden a chance, Oh and the wars have fucked off!
And the media has fucked off! Again!
And the cops aren't beating people for non-compliance or gunning down black people anymore!
Forget growth forecasts. We're spellbound by division.
From a biological and evolutionary perspective, genocide is the attempt to eradicate the act of transformation and if you GET that then you will KNOW why half of humanity is being coerced by any and all means up to and including threat of kidnap, torture, extortion, bankruptcy and homelessness, helplessness, hopelessness, into wearing these bullshit fucking masks.
Frankie Boyle once said that having reviewed the evidence, the only reason the elites haven't rounded us up into death camps is that they need us to keep producing children for them to fuck.
Well, they're building camps.
I think that if you understand the angle by which genocide creeps in, the angle by which it attacks, that it hates your emergence into your ancestral realms of celestial and spiritual consciousness and growth — if you can just understand THAT one thing — that simple thing — then all the chaos
(((could make sense)))
— the radio might make sense.
The TV might make sense.
The drugs and the nicotine, the stigma and the alcohol, the joy and the enigma, the sadness of isolation, the loneliness preceding the absolute white noise of death entering your third eye like a crack hammer to split your skull into bone dust and paint the walls a merry shade of madness — that might make sense, too.
People don't have alcohol problems.
Alcohol is an ecosystem of individual genocide and growth extinction, it's an industry, a machine, a profit vacuum feeding you despair and selling you solutions.
People don't have have drug problems. Drug problems have people.
This international corporate cabal of thieves, liars, murderers and rapists masquerading as lawful legitimate government is hiding behind the moral shield of medical impartiality and it is disgusting. They want to medicalise every shop, they want to corporatise every hospital, they want to institutionalise every child and put medicine in the water, medicine in the air, medicine in the food and all the while the autism rate goes up, heart disease goes up, the cancer rate goes UP, the dementia rate goes UP, the alcoholism goes UP, the suicide rate goes UP. The global pharmaceutical market value increases and everyone's getting sicker!
We have corporate-owned fascist government with doctor-priests saving us from the 25th-biggest cause of death by conferring upon us the legal status of cattle.
We're fucking being farmed.
I gawk at it. I gawp.
I stare and I stare and I stare and it never gets normal, it never gets sane.
Can everybody else not see this?
Should I dance about and sing?
Will they censor that?
Do I care?
The censorship of opinion is the attempt to eradicate or disrupt or alter the transformative process of life.
Cultural genocide, political genocide — am I the only fucking one who thinks that genocide occurs culturally and am I the only fucking one who objects to being called white, or black, when I'm not white and black people aren't black?
Fuck off with this racism shit you absolute prize cunts, humans are just the colour of the amount of melanin in their skin, temporarily adapting to their environment, which makes me colour-blind and fascist-sighted in today's world.
Genocide? Get me a vaccine, I can't bear to watch.
I just don't get it.
I just don't understand how, or why, people are denying the obvious fascism and apologies-for-fascism fucking smashing them over their heads like the Club of Rome.
Protecting others?
Give me strength.
People are putting so much energy into denying the obvious, voting for this or that fucking saviour, this or that fucking preacher, this or that fucking snake oil salesman pitching them despair and a prayer — if they'll just get down on one knee, take a mask, consent to be ruled and suck the serum of Satan, he'll leave them alone this time.
Hayley and I read legal maxims.
Beautiful concise statements of deep logical truth and common sense all wrapped up like bullets.
Universally accepted legal truths, principles no judge will contest.
Well when it comes to vaccines, I'll say this:
"No rule of law protects a buyer who wilfully closes his ears to information, or refuses to make inquiry when circumstances of grave suspicion imperatively demand it."
Who still wants the vaccine?
"To him consenting, no injury is done."
Who still wants the mask?
"Any one may renounce a law introduced for his own benefit."
"No one is obliged to accept a benefit against his consent."
"He who does any benefit to another for me is considered as doing it to me."
If it's for my benefit, I renounce it.
If I am conferred the benefit through others, I am not obliged to accept it.
I do not consent and, though others may, their submission alone does not imply it.
But no rule of law protects a buyer who wilfully closes his ears to new information or refuses to make inquiry when conditions of GRAVE SUSPICION
— and vaccines do kill, and they do maim —
imperatively demand it.
I think Bill Gates is planning genocide, because he actively states that it's his goal.
But I know now why he's laughing."
Thank you Rob! You speak for many!
Please see the Conscious Resistance Network - https://theconsciousresistance.com/ for solutions & community.
Contact me if you want me to publish your rant, story or ideas.
Or by email: franleader@hotmail.co.uk
Rob is a wordsmith of the highest order. It's good to see his work being shared - he so deserves a larger audience ❤