Telegram is the new Deep Web, with less anonymity and more crimes

in #geekzone2 years ago


I am a person who has been browsing the deep web for several years, and the truth is that there was nothing special about it, except that there were certain things that were a little easier to achieve, for example. People interested in anonymity, there were many quite interesting forums and groups, most of them have been closed and another large part of them always managed to come back. This was not the case of Libertor but it was the case of Hidden Questions. But it was never the same again.


Let's say that this, with the arrival of the new social networks and the type of information that is handled, took care that this type of places on the network went into the background and even into a third plane, a lot of sensationalism was in charge of selling to the deep network as a place where there were only bad things and that is that in the clear, there are also bad things. I could find worse things today in the clear.

A clear example would be, has been the most "similar" to those times in the onion, but this site is now more supervised,,, facefollow, many dating sites and pages where pornography is sold, and a much larger list of sites found on the deep web that have now become part of the clear, because many people, due to sensationalism, searched on YouTube "How to enter the Deep Web ", which caused more and more stupid people to be curious, because some were in charge of supporting pages of this nature. But what do I mean by all this, because there is a lot of smoke, and much to say, the death of one era is the birth of another. I did not visit these sites again, until I got melancholy and looked for some forums, since there are hardly any active people.

Internet is what you come to do in it.

It caught my attention that in my Telegram account, I was able to observe many groups with that air of those times, I have even come to find very bad things, and a greater number of scams, less anonymity and less awareness to surf the Internet, what I mean by this, before to enter a lokinet, freenet, or onion "or any other network" link, let's say you didn't have to be a genius, nor a systems engineer, but it wasn't as easy to search simply on internet how to do it. The fact that black markets and the forbidden were supported so much, that they were so interested in entering those places caused the closure of places that were not of this type, of communities that are not good, but not everything that was there was bad.

What do I mean by this?

Now in Telegram we can find everything, in a simpler way, there is a greater amount of information about bad things, and there is a greater amount of theft, by the same "markets", exchanges without scrow, the integrity of the user is less protected, and no one denounces that, because Telegram has had much greater acceptance than other sites... Sometimes many prefer to use Telegram over WhatsApp. Well, what is my point, that Telegram is the same as the Deep Web, with less anonymity and since there is less anonymity, it is not as reported as Tor, for example. While there is a greater possibility of avoiding anonymity on the Internet, it would be better for entrepreneurs. The truth is that many users of other networks migrated to Telegram because of the ease of finding "curious" curious people who would be in charge of doing the same thing they once did with those networks, sooner or later, this could cause their censorship.

Dross thought the same, he left you a video so you can get an idea of ​​what I'm talking about.

Telegram allows you to capture data and manage social networks through its API. There are many anonymous chats, where child pornography is exposed, etc.

I invite you to reflect on this topic, since whenever the human being ends with something, he supports something worse. I do not support the Deep Web, but it is somewhat hypocritical, that they were in charge of giving propaganda that everything there was bad, knowing that it was available to fewer people, and now even an 8-year-old girl has Telegram. That is partly called evolution that a child learns faster than one of 20 years ago, there are more means. But now everything is easy, and anyone on Telegram messes you up.

Being anonymous will remain a myth, and people will accept more and more underground movements.