Youtube Rollout of Podcast Support Ridiculous

in #geeknews2 years ago

by @geeknewscentral on Geek News Central

Youtube Rollout of Podcast Support Ridiculous

YouTube has introduced a Podcast playlist and has rolled out nothing of what they said they were going to causing mass confusion in the podcasting space of their complete lack of communication.

Check out today’s video..!


@kencode is spot on. In #Web3 the content creator OWNS the content. I remember the "golden age" of when podcasting starting and being in awe of how it was for the "little guy". But now its so corporatized that it's almost lost it's flavor. Podcasters have got to own ALL of their content EVERYWHERE. Dont rely on these big companies who dont care about the podcaster other than what they advertiser they can get. Let the audience take care of the creator.

People need to realize that building their brand in a walled garden like youtube or spotify is like literally putting the ball and chain on your ankle. Build your brand from an open, web3 platform like Cast.Garden so that there are no limits to how much reach your channel can get. NO limits. Blockchain, RSS and Fediverse network syndication can't be beat, period.Absolutely SPOT ON at 57:37 Todd (@geeknewscentral).