The Suicide Forest...
I’ve always loved the nature. I still remember when I was little how I never wanted to go to bed because I’ve wanted to sleep outside. I always begged my mom to sleep in the tent outside so that I could sleep under the stars.
I’ve just finished high school now, about to go to college. It’s quite fun not to be in school anymore, the only sad part is all of my friends is going to different colleges and I’m not sure when we will see each other again. So we have decided to go on a trip to a forest, they call it “The Suicide Forest”. Legend has it that when you enter the forest something will happen to you and you will commit suicide one way or the other. But that’s the thing about us teens, we don’t really take stuff like that up seriously. So we will go and check it out for ourselves.
Its 3:00 in the morning and all five of us has arrived at forest. We are all very tired because it was a really long drive, so we decided to find a spot to put up our tents and take a little nap before we went exploring the so called “Dead” forest.
I’ve just fell asleep and all of the sudden started to hear funny noises and weird voices, and if I’m not mistaken I might as well heard someone calling out my name. I grabbed a flashlight and unzipped the tent. When I got out I looked around me but there was no sign of anybody and everything was so quiet, so I turned around and got back into my tent. The bright rays of the sun has woke me up, so I’ve decided to get up and refresh and then we will all go and explore this forest. When I got out of my tent everybody was gone. I started to worry and tried to call them but had no luck, there is no signal in this place and my phones battery is on 3%. I’ve decided to go and look for my friends and suddenly got very dizzy while I was walking. I tried to leave little rocks in a line so that I can find my way back to the tent. I’ve been walking for hours now and there is still no sign of anybody near me, so I’ve decided to go back to the tent. When I turned around and looked for the rocks that I left along the road to find my way back everything was gone, and all of the sudden there was no light. Everything went pitch black. I ran and ran trying to get someplace, trying to find a light somewhere. Feeling all alone and so cold. I started crying; crying for help.
There was voices, was it real or is it all just in my head? They started calling me, calling out for help. In search of the voices I ran and fell into a big hole or something, and when I looked up there they were. All of my friend were down there with me and even though I’ve had no light I could see them. They looked so different though and they kept asking me to go with them because there is someone that wants to meet me. We walked and walked for a few minutes and then I’ve seen something or someone that scared the living hell out of me. He was the person that wanted to meet me. My ‘so called friend’ he said. When I got near him and he touched me I just knew, I knew it was the end for me. I jumped down the cliff and suddenly I have realized what the people meant when they talked about ‘The Suicide Forest’.
Thanks for your hard work. Resteemed this. We will discuss these stories in class.
okay ma'am
Thanks mam