Hi Steemians,
You may have seen some of the posts roll out from my recent comments about building a new Steem-based application. Let’s refer to it as “Destiny” for now.
This was one post that caught on:
Destiny is, and will be, a team effort. And not only a team effort, but a community effort. That being said, this is a new product; an app built under a new corporate structure that incorporates new talent to execute a vision I’ve wanted to achieve for years - Make Great Communities.
Some have asked, what will happen with Steemit? As this new app launches, which everyone will be invited to join, Steemit.com will continue to operate and serve Steemians. I will continue to be CEO of both this new venture and Steemit, Inc., which will maintain course coding the Steem blockchain and pursue its mission to Make Steem Great for Apps.
I won’t be saying much more for now. But I will say this: My team and I have learned a lot over the years, and we’re putting that wisdom to work. The product I have envisioned that finally onboards normies into crypto en masse is becoming a reality.
Steemit CEO, Ned Scott

If it is built upon the STEEM blockchain, then yes, I am really looking forward to it and all the best wishes...
I didn't even think about the possibility of it not being built on the Steem blockchain, but I really hope it is. I would be a bit weird to do so much development with SMTs only to create a new blockchain for the new project though. I mean, isn't SMTs made to make these types of projects doable without having to build your own blockchain?
We are all in the waiting world.
I am waiting to see the good news
Yeah, nothing like another @ned led bullshit company. I guess he's gotta blow through those funds somehow.
Don't get your hopes up, he says they've learned but we all experienced HF20.
You can't teach a lame dog new tricks...
Sir, I have been sitting in on all the meetings and I can assure you we will be "head and shoulders" above the competition. No flakes here.
I cant wait for the day Bernie says: "Ned, you did good."
You and me both.
Someone please do a CSI "Enhance" on that whiteboard... Stat!
Fuck, Hahahahaha.
ahahahahahahaha. Nice.
You win this day.
thats some next level enhancing...
Thats the best result i could achieve. More forensic informations and further analysis is required to close this case. ;))
lol... This made me laugh!
LOL me too! Whatever it is it’s going to be YHUGE! His clearly working hard because mans hairdo is lacking lately
Posted using Partiko iOS
Hahahaha I tried to zoom but failed to see anything !
Looks like it was intentionally blurred out. That's part of the suspense lest one of we smartass devs will build it before Destiny comes😃
I was hoping someone hadn't already mentioned this. :D
these are really nice to see, think a lot of people appreciate the personal interaction and signature and stuff .... gets out handwriting analysis stuff
Delegate to @battleaxe @ned
Posted using Partiko Android
if I ever got even a sliver of what some do I am telling you it would be used to the best of my ability and considering I can squeeze blood out of a turnip and have connections ....well I will not hold my breath on it although some on here know what I've created and had "boss" postitions in on intnl level but again I don't hold my breath on it but who knows. Thanks @vegeta
I'm not always on steem, but I enjoy your posts. Would be nice to see delegation from whales go to you.
maybe my abc's are just not right, oh vell
thanks @vegeta
Team Good Alpaca loves this post! Nomnomnomnom!

Delegate to our project via SteemConnect:
10 SP | 20 SP | 50 SP | 100 SP | 200 SP | 500 SP | 1000 SP | 5000 SP
big timers do this and while I usually reserve it for people delegating to this network which supports OTHER good causes, initiatives and shoving here if people wanna see what the vision is which is to "Help the Helpers" on here as well as when we need to be the Pleb "steemcleaners" at times , lol nom nom
"Some have asked, what will happen with Steemit? As this new app launches, which everyone will be invited to join, Steemit.com will continue to operate and serve Steemians. I will continue to be CEO of both this new venture and Steemit, Inc., which will maintain course coding the Steem blockchain and pursue its mission to Make Steem Great for Apps"
Ummmm guys. Which part of this didn't u pick up? Lol. We've learned over how fucked up the steemit shit over the years and now going to launch something else different? Am I missing something? Steemit has been on fucking BETA for 2 years and now there's another project without finishing this one? uhhhhhh....
I like that name and I wish it might be something much more worthy! Sounds good! Go on, we always attached with STEEM as #1 Blockchain project!@ned,
We can’t wait to see what you’ve got cookin’.
This sounds like music to our -and others’ ears.
We’re also very curious about the community effort part. Is that a contribution to development kind of thing or what. Do tell us more !
Yes I know the secret... a mannequin social network ;-)

Plastic Fantastic
Steemitri The Mannequin
😂 😃 @steemitri.. you never failed with the mana and mannequin😀
This is great news, Ned.
Looking forward to the roll-out.
First of all, you're looking great! Whatever that secret is about, please share it with us, too :-)
Second, I feel extremely excited about that new endeavor since I was always hoping that you would accept the challenge to create that one killer dApp on top of Steem by yourself.
This post - together with STEEM being currently ranking #1 in the Netcoins contest - just made my day. Thanks for that and keep us posted!
We are never supposed to sweat any blockchain contests considering that we have more active users than any blockchain existent! 🏥♨💙
I couldn't agree more. However, it seems that the large majority of those active users still needs a little kick in order to cast their votes...:-)
Yes they need a kick.
maybe look at this https://steempeak.com/gathering/@ned/the-keto-diet
Looks like I’m still winning the hair war @ned can’t wait to hear about your new project.
By reading that other post you linked to and this one, this just feels like a similar situation as I see the OpenBazaar and OB1 development goes. Where one is the decentralized open source blockchain and this "Destiny" will be extra goodies built on top of the chain. I don't want to compare it directly to Busy, SteepShot, and other apps, but.. I guess that could be kind of a proper comparison? The free portion will still be free but venues of monetization for devs built on top?
dan looks very pale
Hey Ned, would you please consider supporting the @SPL as we are already a great community here on Steemit that could use your support? Before you get really super busy with your new venture, it would be great if you could just shoot us some delegation and SBD's. Thanks!
This is the best solution!

Isn’t that what Steemit.com was supposed to be for the past 2+ years? And why was this never achieved...or even really attempted?
it was david. thanks for helping. join us in whaleshares ;)
What about the account based upvote instead of SP based ? Is there any news? last time I checked the idea was worth considering especially giving the fact that you suggested protecting investors by creating a good income based on your SP,,this will definitely give steemit an edge as a real blogging site,, the current form is more like an investment/blogging site. Anyway good to hear that you are working on steem blockchain, I wish u luck ! [Upvoted for visibility]
It looks like Steemit.com is not really a focus. I wonder if it ever has been. All about apps. Makes sense, considering that nothing much other than aesthetics has really changed here on the interface over two years.
This is a super reasonable question. As someone who has been using steemit.com since the very beginning, this site is very meaningful to me. But Steem is now powering many other applications as well. Steem is about more than steemit.com now and we're just trying to develop solutions that benefit everyone. I think the most important point to bear in mind is that the more we develop exclusively for steemit.com, the less we are developing tools that help every Steem developer. If we build tools that help every Steem DApp, then not only can steemit.com become better, but every other DApp can get better too. When we were looking at the game theoretical, cultural, and cryptoeconomic problems that were manifesting on steemit.com, we came to the conclusion that purely UI based solutions (steemit.com is a UI) would be at best a band-aid that benefited only one organization: us. Whether we're right or not does not change the fact that the reason why we chose to focus on what we have is because we believe that what we are doing will solve the most problems and enable this ecosystem to scale to the next level. Steem is capable of powering a web application that you love. That's huge. That's something no other blockchain protocol can do. We don't want to limit that potential to just one UI and just one site. This is a technology that can transform the entire internet, and we intend to see just how far we can go with it. Steem is an enormous community on the internet. Steemit.com is one UI for that community. What we are doing now is setting the stage for countless more communities, each with their own currency (SMT), but all powered by Steem.
"Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads." - Back to the Future
Just to be clear, "Destiny" will be launched on the steem blockchain, or will there be a new blockchain and new witnesses created? Thx
Steem based.
Account based voting was never presented as a replacement to stake based voting. SMTs and Oracles have to be completed to enable account based voting. Once SMTs and Oracles are launched, account based voting will become possible not just for us, but for anyone.
I really don't understand this even though I read it more than once.. I'd love to have you break it down for users such as myself to understand.
Pretty please, I'll be grateful.
Sounds exciting!
“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.”
― William Shakespeare
Spoken like a true politician. So many words and secret promises. I wonder if this projects a good image about Steemit, having its CEO working on something else...
It's good.
We seem to forget that steemit.com is just an app at the end of the day, an app built on the steem blockchain.
They could decide to shut it down and we would all have busy.org, blogs, steepshot and others.
We have been too focused on steemit and ned and U think decentralizing his stake, trying to give developers tools to work with etc, should be the first priority.
Maybe even get rid of the steemit.com frontend one day.
These are great news @ned. I believe in this platform and the future of STEEM is looking bright. In STEEM WE TRUST. :-)
Crypto world is moving fast, blazingly fast, but at the same time nothing in this special world has a solid form. I like the idea of something new on the Steem blockchain, why not! The most important is a solid foundation, which Steem definitely is, all others is a kind of playground in which we can make our dreams come true.
very cool, looking forward to it!
Drop by SteemSpeak for an AMA when you are ready.
am i still banned? :D
Hello @officialfuzzy, no, of course, you are not banned. In fact, I have been meaning to get in touch with you and clear some confusion between us. Jump in anytime you like.
Excited to see what Density, I mean, Destiny is all about :)
I like men of vision @ned. Dream the dreams and work the work. All the best for the community.
Yep. Nothing like a man of vision.
look at the tags ned used....
I believe this new idea is definitely "gathering steem"!!
love it! thanks for pointing that out :)
Still kind of curious to learn more about this project. All the best by the way
Having your assurances theta the birth of "Destiny" project will not affect steemit's growth. I hope like other STEEM DAPPs, #destiny will further strengthen the need for STEEM as a coin and you should look forward to how STEEM can have realtime acceptance. What I mean is that a project such as a #STEEM-CARD will make much sense and will further strengthen STEEM to heights in the crypto market.
Goodluck @ned
A community will be great with the efforts of a team, hopefully with Steem Great for Apps the steemit community is getting stronger in the world of Cryptocurrency, I have long joined Steemit, the progress of community is found at steemit.com.
thank you @ned Scott
I'm super excited to see what this thing will be. Thanks.Glad to see you publishing more content @ned - it's great for investor confidence on the platform.
this interesting
We support you @ned. It is good to see your new actions.
I like the name, consider keeping it ;)
This is encouraging news.
Thank you.
우리는 창조적 인 사회에 발전이 적용될 수있을 때까지 모든 밝은 생각에서 비평이 형성되고 발전해야만하는 것을 비판 할 수 있습니다. or we can criticize something that criticism must build and develop in every bright idea until development can be applied to creative society
Should we expect a full reveal at SF3? Awesome news.
We the SteemChurch, is one community which eagerly awaits its Destiny!
Thank you friend Ned.
Hey @ned, check out what your users think about you delegating 2M SP to d.tube.
From what I can tell, the site barely works for anyone...
Too little revealed Ned. I hate suspense, at least throw more bone into this Destiny project. I hope it will not run mutually exclusive of steem?
exactly! throw us more bones :) ;)
I wish this project the best.
Kudos ned ✌️
Now this interesting....waiting to see what Destiny looks like.
Good luck!
Awesome :)
Is this about steemit 2.0 that I have been hearing around?
Sir, that's EOS based.
Looking forward to seeing Destiny come to life, @ned.
Ned, Is Destiny going to be on SMT or just a new Blockchain like steem?
He said Steem-based. I'm guessing it's a flagship SMT. If it's a separate Blockchain then I'm going to throw my toys on the ground and have a hissy fit.
Posted using Partiko Android
I was having a bit of confusion there btw.
It's pretty unlikely that @ned will go start another blockchain from scratch. There's nothing he can't build here! 🏥♨💙
Destiny, I like it.
Destiny is here!
We can't wait to get to the destination for crypto normies. I believe this will add more value to the steem ecosystem!Well-done @ned!
@Nairadaddy: Founder of @Air-Clinic!
We really are looking forward to it.
All the best.
It seems like a brilliant prospect cooking, only if we'd get a little taste or an inkling,however all the best @ned
hopefully later it will be even better and perfect
Initial Community Offering !