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RE: Steemit is hiring!

in #gathering7 years ago

Maybe you feel it's not a priority, but I hope you won't lose sight of the fact that a superb/positive end user experience is the greatest free marketing tool you can have... and how ultimately things go mass market

Exactly right. And when you have a site that's barely usable at all, run by a company that holds the single largest stake in the underlying blockchain, it doesn't exactly inspire confidence in investors nor does it convince the user base that they ought to stick around for the improvements that will never come.

Whether they want to accept it or not, Steemit is the flagship site for the Steem by the people who ninja-mined a massive stake in it so that they could make improvements along the way and use as the showcase for what's possible on Steem. When this site is what showcases their grand, experimental vision, it's not surprising to see that there isn't much interest in either the blockchain or the site/company. It's a very poor representation of what can be done with Steem and they really ought to be aware of this fact and realize that their lack of effort/caring does all of us and this blockchain a great disservice.

With millions and millions of dollars at their's just a shame that more isn't being done. It's really sad. I'm not sure what else can be said. They could have hired some of the best designers and engineers in the industry over the past two years. But what have they done? What are they doing? Where's the vision? Where's the innovation? Where are the deliveries of their projects?

Can they see outside of their bubble?


Quick Answer: No
Long Answer: Definitely Not



Let's just start doing the dev ourselves... ;-)