Looking good! thank goodness for the hubby doing the heavy work! Did he do the cinder block garden beds too?
That's what I want to make in the one area of my yard that gets good light but very poor soil. I would probably make it 2 layers high.
I hear you about the mosquitoes! I had to pull out my bug shirt. One thing about the mosquitoes they make you work really quick to get out of there, if you aren't protected from them!
My brassicas are still small yet and I started them in trays to get a head start. I had a real bad episode of flea beetles that almost took them out but I caught them in time and could wash them away because they were in pots. I'm hesitant to put them out yet for last year we had a lot of flea beetles in the garden. I'll just have to make sure to get the row cover on them as soon as I plant them out - darn bugs!
Here's hoping for a good tomato year! I started a bunch of them but it's too early to plant them out yet - last expected frost date is June 7th. I'll put the majority of them in the covered garden before that date but the few that I am planting out side I think I'll hold off on.
Thanks for sharing your garden!
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Yes, he did the cinder block beds, too! He actually rearranged those earlier in the spring to make them easier to access. Though I think the pallet bed is going to be a dream being up so high so no squatting down to work in it. :)
Oh my gosh I just went outside for a few minutes and got at least 6-7 bites on my legs in minutes! I want to harvest some of the squash blossoms to use today, but I suppose I need to put on some long pants and cover up to go back out later on, haha. Vicious little suckers!
I just got back from the farmers market, as well, and the heat is actually starting to get to quite a few of the crops. The snap and snow peas are taking a beating, and it is definitely nearing the end of the strawberry season. Lots of heat with little to no rain in the forecast. Hoping we maybe get some pop up thunderstorms to at least get a little moisture back in the ground! I'll have to check to see how much rain water we have left in our barrels. Hopefully enough to keep our little garden going for a while!
Funny you've got the mosquitoes out when it's hot and it's been dry - have you got any open standing water around your place?
We have a black spruce bog right by our place and the spring water levels are so high there is lots of standing water and lots of mosquitoes! I don't even think about going outside with out my long pants on!
Here's hoping for rain!