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RE: May Garden Report: Things Are B(l)ooming! {Plus Some #MarketFriday Action}

in #gardenjournal20196 years ago

Looks great! The only thing that I haven't managed to kill yet is Chilli, Chives, and my capsicum (bell pepper) is still alive (for now!)

We managed to get about 4kg of oranges from our Orange tree so far this year as well, which is a good return!

Hooray for scheduling posts!


Thanks! Upon looking this morning I think we might lose the kohlrabi to the bugs and the heat, but we didn't realize we planted those anyway so I'm not taking it as a big loss. ;)

That sounds like a great orange haul! I would love to have some fresh oranges. Funny thing is I scheduled this post because I thought I was going to be busy today, and then I get up this morning and my day has totally cleared out. Well I guess at least now I have time to go see what everyone else is up to!