A newcommers in my windowsill garden.
I am fond of gardening and watch how plants are growing. In spring and summer I plant them in the garden as it should be on the open ground, but in the fall it's cold outside, so I found an alternative. I have a small garden on my windowsill, where there is basil growing already. Now I decided to plant arugula (rocca salad) and the purslane.
Why them? This is very useful green plants. In both contain large amounts of vitamins and minerals necessary for the body + they are very tasty.
Purslane contain proteins, vitamin C, pro-vitamin A, vitamins B1 and B2, vitamin E and PP, salt magnesium and calcium, manganese, potassium and many other biologically active substances and compounds. Purslane has a slightly tart, with a little sour taste
Arugula is rich in vitamins. It contains beta-carotene, B vitamins, vitamins E and C. In 100 grams of arugula contains daily norm of vitamin K. In arugula contains many nutrients, such as zinc, selenium, copper, iron, sodium, fosofor.
Due to its strongly pronounced spicy taste of mustard, arugula leaves are often used in cooking.
Both plants contain large amounts of fiber, so it promotes fast saturation, that is why they are great diet products.
Such greens can be used in salads or smoothies, meat dishes and as a spice to soups.
As for me, I do love the greens and can eat them just like snacks. Yummy!
Process of planting.
Not so long ago my daughter had a birthday and I left an upper part of cake box for reuse.I have made 3 holes, as all pots for plants has, so that water could leave if necessary.
filled it with dround, made a holes in which I put a few seeds
covered with soil and watered
And in a three days....mirracle!!! I cant stop admiring this :D Meet arugula!
purslane shows itself (on the right)
I hope you enjoy my gardening post!
My posts about basil planting are here
Basil planting and my spontaneous STEEMART. Full moon is watching me :)
Sincerely yours @witchcraftblog
you can find such little steempics here
made by @nekromarinist feel free to download and use them
I just love when the seeds start sprouting, so exciting, thanks for bringing us along your winter growing! xo I look forward to seeing more progress.
I love to share this, its realy exciting :) to be continued...
If you live in a condo, windowstill gardening is a good option
that's for sure @positivesteem and I love it :)
Great post! Very useful information, thank you
you are very welcome @woman-onthe-wing
I love seeing the first shoots of life. Gardening is a meditation in many ways. Great post! :)
Thank you @jonjon1 totaly agree with you :)
Very nice post and pics. This post was my selection for SteemTrail today.
oh, its great @luzcypher :)