Really great post, thanks for the information and the heads up I love asparagus, now if only avocados were as easy to harvest and pit seed from those is crazy big lol Upvoted
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Really great post, thanks for the information and the heads up I love asparagus, now if only avocados were as easy to harvest and pit seed from those is crazy big lol Upvoted
Yeah, you could fill a jar with like 20 avocado pits!
Thanks @verbal-d
You're welcome and yes not to mention that avocados are also pretty pricey. Wish I could eat them daily
I had some last night for dinner, but I wish I could afford to eat more of them too.
i get lots of avocado from my compost pile. the warm, moist, nutritious soil must help germination. you can also eat the pits as they are high in antioxidants. boiled softens them and maple syrup on top makes them (and aloe vera both) less disgusting to taste.
That's amazing. It must be nice to have so many avocados at will! And eat the pits? That's new to hear. I wonder how they would taste. Thanks for the tip.
avo pits are pretty unpalatable. lots of antioxidants though. i haven't got any avocados yet. just sprouted plants. it takes 3 years till they flower so i have some time to wait but i'm hopeful. i read that there is a good chance to get fruit from them even though they usually require the opposite type flower to pollinate. either a person is in the climate where avocados are already growing so the pollen will be available or the mild weather makes the flowers pollen receptivity overlap the release.
watemelon rind is edible too. it has a different range of nutrients. some southerners make pickles out of it.
i was just reading about apios growing along riverbanks. gerisole is another tuber food native to america that can be harvested wild where it grows.
Sometimes I eat watermelon rind so I got that covered, hope your avo plants bring about many quality fruits and whatever else your green thumb is tending to.