Some more friends for my new plants

in #gardening7 years ago

After planting out some new vegies in my garden over the weekend, I went back to the plant shop to get some lettuce, which my wife wanted.


I also saw some really cute looking tomato and capsicum plants, so I got one of each of those as well. They now sit in nice, new pots out of the wind until they are big enough to go into the garden.

Speaking of wind, the hot still days of early summer seem to have left us now, and we are being hit by annoying windy days. It is not doing my new plants any favours. I just hope it does not blow too hard and kill then all off.

I’ve put up some windbreaks, but the swirling nature of the wind when it comes into our back yard means it is really hard to protect against it. Hopefully they will be ok, and the wind will die down a bit soon.

I’ll update you as the summer progresses and my plants grow or fail.

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Is that capsicum a hot pepper or a sweet pepper?

it's a sweet one. I can't do hot ones ;-)

But i really like the sweet ones.

I've never heard of capsicum before. I love growing tomatoes. I usually start a seed packet of 30 seeds each year to get a nice crop of tomatoes.

I like growing stuff as well, but the stuff i like to grow usually does not like to grow for very long.

I'm not a good gardener. ;-(

But we did have some success this year with the herbs I planted, so maybe I'm doing something right now.

I just wish the wind would stop. i'm sure the little plants don't like it. (I'm not to happy with it either hehe)

I was going to ask about the capisicum too.....if it was hot you could dry it and use it on your sore muscles and joints. It is mixed with cream of some sort. I think it numbs the skin.

But the sweet peppers you are growing are what we called bell peppers here and they are sweet and it's what paprika is made of once dried. I'm such a font of information today :)

I'm such a font of information today

you are!

Yes I think the are called bell peppers here also sometimes.

I'm not sure i want to be rubbing hot peppers on my skin..... somehow burning my muscles does not sound better than letting them rest ;-)

good luck with the garden, but what did you expect in windy Wellington??

the thing is it has been so incredibly calm here for almost a month, and we have had no rain for even longer...

We are now in drought conditions, so that probably won't end well for my poor wee plants. but I'll do what I can,