Garden Update - Sugar Snap Peas

Earlier this year I planted a few garden beds with veggies. The sprouts have been coming up for a while, but the silver has been rolling in too, so I decided to post on the shiny, not the healthy.

Now, the Sugar Snap Peas have been sprouting and I have been eating a lot of them, so I figured I'd share that part of my life with you all as well.

Here's a picture of their cozy home.


And a little bit closer shot so you can see the Peas in all their glory!


There aren't a lot of vegetables that I enjoy eating plain or straight out of the garden, but SNPs are one of them.

What's your favorite veggie?

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howdy @themanwithnoname...I think he has a green thumb.

I wouldn't go that far. I have some basic knowledge of gardening and I have plants that want to grow. It's not my will that causes them to grow, it's their desire to grow big and strong, and then reproduce. I'll take it though! That means I get tasty food. :)

haha! yes sir..well compared to ME you have a green thumb! it is wonderful to grow your own stuff, I'm amazed that it seems like everyone on Steemit is into that. except me.

Not everyone on Steemit is into gardening. And there are a lot of people here who are much more into it than I am. I just dabble in it while some of these people have had stuff growing in greenhouses and have been ordering specific seeds for months. I just throw a few things in the ground and hope for the best. Ha ha.

howdy again Blondie! hey, it makes a good post so I would do some growing just for that because so many people are into it!
throw a few things in the ground! lol

Go for it! You live in Texas where it's super hot. You could probably get some things sprouting up in no time. I'm kinda curious to see what results you could get.

well sir the problem here where we're at is the snakes. we have to keep everything so free of any debris or anything stacked or any plants close to the house for things to hide in, and gardens always attract them and from accounts we've read about people being bit usually happens in the garden with so many places to hide and such. so for that reason we don't have any gardening plans.

Those plants are looking good and the snap peas look even better. One of my favorite veggies to eat fresh out of the garden is a a little yellow cherry tomato called sun sugar, these are by the far one of the sweetest tomato's I have eaten, I tend to eat them as a snack while working in the garden. Thank you for posting about your garden some :)

I'm glad you liked my garden. It's fun to be able to walk outside and get fresh vegetables.

I hadn't heard of sun sugar tomatoes, but they sound really good. Thanks for stopping by. :)

Your Sugar Snap Peas looks really fresh and healthy you must have been taking good care of the Sugar Snap Peas for them to look this fresh through content weeding and watering of the plant. They really looks fresh to eat

I haven't done a lot of weeding as not much was needed. I have been watering it regularly though. I'm pleased with how they have been growing. Thanks for stopping by. :D

You did a lot better than mine - I think we got too much rain and they just all died away. I need to figure out a better solution for next year. My standing garden didn't really produce well.

Are they prone to dying if they're over-watered? I was noticing that some of mine were starting to turn yellow and I thought maybe it was because I was watering them too much.

I'm sorry your garden didn't do as well this year. Hopefully next year will be better!

Steamed brussel sprouts or lambs quarters, with butter! :D

I haven't eaten either of those in a while, but I like a lot of steamed vegetables. If lamb isn't over-seasoned, I've liked that as well. I think you're really on to something there. Great suggestion!

Thanks for stopping by! :)

I love the snow peas too, LOL. I found that if I use my egg steamer for veggies, it is VERY easy. :D

That's a good tip. I've mainly used the steamer rack on the top of a rice cooker. Thanks for the hint. :)

It has increased my intake of steamed veggies, because it is so easy to use. :)

Nice! The steamed veggies are supposed to be better for you because it doesn't strip out the nutrients. I remember eating carrots at my grandma's house back in the day and she would cook those carrots until the water was orange. The carrots were well-cooked, but all the nutrients were in the water that she threw out. :(

And the fact that it's easy to use is just a bonus!

I got the munchies, and I have a batch in the egg steamer right now, LOL! It really is easy, and I am eating more veggies, because it is so easy. I will try some carrots tomorrow, that is a great idea, besides, I ran out of Brussel sprouts.... :)

I love snap peas, and have such fond memories of sitting on this little wooden bench with my grandma and shelling a huge bowl of them; of course eating plenty along the way. She used to sit on that same bench to cut peaches for canning. Peel then cut a peach in half; then cut each of those pieces in for the jar, one for her mouth. She'd have juice running down her elbows then spend the entire evening in the bathroom haha There's all kinds of quotes to come up with for that one :)

I think it's interesting that you used to shell the peas. I think the shell is the best part. I'm not sure why, but if you split the pea in half lengthwise and take a bite, it's not as good as i you just bbite into it. I'm not sure why. I tested it out and the results held up. It was strange.

That sounds like a lot of fun that you and your grandma had. I would have been about the same amount of help. I really like eating too, so I would have consumed most of them.

I'm not feeling particularly inspired right now, but if I come up with something I'll let you know. Mmmm, mmmm, peaches.

I never ate a pea shell until I moved away from home to university and saw that the rest of the world actually ate them and didn't just throw them away :) Now I love them!

No worries about your lack of peach related inspiration. We can't choose when the juice flows :)

Look at that, just another example of people learning bad behavior by going away to college. I always said college was bad for you. :D

We can't choose when the juice flows

That's a good quote!

"We can't choose when the juice flows. Make sure to have some Imodium just in case."

hahaha @themanwithnoname, nice tag team approach with the quote.

College is for sissies 😅

You and I should start a wrestling team. We could dominate the competition, especially if witty quotes were part of the competition.

You could quote and I could pass glasses of water around wink wink

Since last week when I updated on my garden, I've seen some tomatoes on quite a few plants, which is promising. The peppers continue to come in, so that's all good.

So no vegetables really ripe yet for picking, though I think the peppers and onions are very close. The onions more so.

I like snap peas, too. We just didn't grow any. We were talking about pole beans, but I kind of discouraged it because I wasn't sure how we were going to fit them into our existing space and setup. Since then, though I think we could probably manage it, because we do have some room where some raspberries used to be.

I'm just not sure what she has planned for that area. Maybe next year.

That's exciting that things continue to grow. It's fun when they start popping up and you can see the actual fruit/vegetable growing. Then it's not just a plant, it's a future food.

That's nice your peppers are close. We're still a ways away. That's ok, I'll be patient. We still have the green onions from last year, so we're eating those. The ones from this year aren't doing as well. Good thing we have leftovers. They're a little tougher than they were the first year, but they're still tasty.

I'm not a huge fan of pole beans. They're alright, but sugar snap peas are amazing! Maybe you can fit them in next year. Or get more raspberries. Those are delicious.

I'm just not sure what she has planned for that area.

Smart, ask the boss. She'll know what to do.

Well fun, in my case, is relative to the ease of which I can pick it, prepare it and eat it. While I'm just not that much into any of the work part, I do like eating. :)

The really sad thing about all of this is, it appeals to my self-sufficiency side. I just don't have a sound enough gardening work ethic to try to enjoy the actual gardening part. There always seems to be something else more exciting to do.

I think I would prefer just to pick the peas and eat them like you would fruit.

We've got some plants growing where the raspberries were, but I'm not sure what they are. Weeds tend to get pretty creative nowadays, disguising themselves as something useful, so again, I guess I'll have to ask my wife about those. I agree, though. Raspberries and Marionberries are both very tasty fruits.

I get what you mean. The best part for me is also the consumption of said food. I'm not as big on the preparing and such. I do like picking it though as it's normally not difficult and normally not a long process. So I can wander out there and grab something that in a little while will have magically transformed into a meal or snack. Or I just eat it. Ha ha!

I eat the peas immediately after picking them. I was going to say "right off the vines" but I don't do that. I'm going to have to try it though. I'll have my wife watch so I can make her think something is even more wrong with my brain. ;)

I have trouble telling the difference between lettuce and some of the local weeds while the lettuce is little. Once it starts growing then I know what's what and I can pick the weeds out of there.