Hello my fellow gardening enthusiasts. Now that my systems are getting back up to speed I will be making more regular updates like I used to do before the hurricane setback. Today I wanted to give a quick update on my indoor hydroponics wall garden.
With my outdoor hydrogarden back up and running I was able to move the tomato and cucumber startups to that system (previous post) which opened up the indoor system for me to start some lettuce and herb plants.

I have a mix of starter plants that are about 24 days old transplanted and doing well. Currently I have Romaine lettuce, Red Crisp Lettuce, Cilantro, Curled Parley, Dill, and Stevia growing in the bottom two levels, the top level is open to allow me to start the next generation of lettuce to establish a sustainable rotation of plants.
The Stevia plant, top right plant, was not started from seeds. I have tried many times to grow Stevia from seeds with limited success, so it's just easier to buy a starter pot and break it apart into several plants to mix in around my gardens. Once they get established they will spread out and root themselves to keep the next generation going giving you have no major garden setbacks. I have another part in the outdoor system, as well as in soil pots out back.

I am starting the next small batch of lettuce seeds this week, a mix of loose leaf green and reds, and this will establish a proper rotation of plants going forward.
The herbs, tomato, pepper, and cucumber plants will produce for 4-6 months once they mature, so I will not have to worry about them for about 3 months. I will keep up with my updates as things fill in and begin to produce for us.
Let me know what you think, please leave your comments below.
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Your set-up looks great. Have you documented it in a way you could share the build list with instructions for building one in a post? I'd love to do build one for my basement during the winter months and get fresh vegetables.
My original post on this indoor wall garden setup. https://steemit.com/gardening/@steempowergarden/home-gardening-with-hydroponics-our-indoor-lettuce-wall-garden-and-how-i-built-it-repost
It kind of looks like art against the wall, the ambience of the light looks quite peaceful. Great water saving technique too!
That was part of the design goal when I built it, it needed to look like it belonged in the living/dining room area as well as function properly to grow large amounts of food for us. The continuous waterfall sounds are peaceful most of the time, although sometimes it conflicts with the tv if we are trying to watch a movie. ;-)
Here is the build post for it:
Happy gardening too!!!
You are the best my darling... God bless you
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Nice set up! Looks like grow stones in net cups? Florescent lights? I've done a little NFT in the past, might have to start one up again.
Thank you. I use a mix of BLUE/RED and WHITE (daylight) LED bars for lighting as that gives the best spectrum (leaning towards blue) for what I need and uses much less electricity. The plants are started in rockwool and moved to the netcups with some clay pebbles on top to help control evaporation.
I have a full post on how I built it here:
Thanks for the info, I will check it out!
wow you're amazing, it looks very beautiful..
Cool setup you've got there. What kind of peppers are you growing, chillis?
Thank you :-) I am growing sweet peppers... a tapered red and an orange medium bell.
The goal for us is to grow everything we need for a basic salad (lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, herbs) as a base. Then a few misc foods like potatoes, carrots, melons, strawberries, etc depending on the time of year and whatever impulsive decision hits us at the time. :-)
Sounds good. That's basically what I'm striving for too and picking varieties that aren't easily available at the supermarket. :)
wow, it's amazing i love gardening i want learning about hidroponic indoor
Thank you, I see you use the floating raft setup for growing greens in your posts. Very cool.
thanks alot @steempowergarden. I love to grow vegetables and I'm trying hydroponics it's very fun for me
Looking nice
Wow, they look great, good work!
Thats a really nice hydro set up, function yet stylish, must have took alot of planning to work out the layout for that. feel free to come check out my blog, its all about gardening / e recycling
Amazing setup my friend!
Seriously you can see that aesthetics are very important to you.
I you dont mind, did you built this system yourself?
Seems like there is a round pipe, enclosed in a square channel...can you possibly share how exactly it is connected to the wall...looks very clean.
Would be great to try to build one of those in a new indoor farm I am currently building.
Just had another look ;) looks really really lovely !
Wow, amazing work my friend, so much attention to details, very inspiring!
I was wondering, what are you making the enclosing from? (both the reservoir and the pipe covers) is it wood? or plastic?
Thanks for sharing
Thank you. It is wood, well a compressed wood with the white laminate on it, like a cabinet. I was able to get them in 8 foot lengths from the hardware store (Home Depot here).
Thanks for the info, i am going to try that!
Did you had problems with the wood getting wet and swallowing? You also mentioned you tried to grow outdoors, was it with a similar unit?
Sorry for all the questions :) it's just that you did such a great job, so I am trying to pick your brain on my attempt to improve my units :)
Thanks again
On the indoor system, the pipes and feed lines carry the water, the wood never gets wet from it.
My outdoor systems are similar, but the cover boxes are built from pressure-treated wood that is meant for outdoor environments and then stained to increase water resistance.
This link has info on how I built that one.
Wow amazing work! really!
Thanks for sharing
Truly beautiful and amaizing work you have done there, really love the set-up as a newbie in hydroponics or 'hydrogardening' I got a long way to go and alot to learn but luckily I have steemians like you to learn from.
Thanks @deanlogic for showing me this! Maybe be too much for my crammed NY apartment, but definitely cool to keep in mind