Did you find out what was being built next door? XD
Naww the cat is too cute to hose XP
though having said that I have told my neighbours to spray my last batch of cats if they didn't want them in their yards >_> current cats are indoor cats so that measure isn't necessary
Those little greenhouse bottles are so cute. I think that's what we're keeping some of the milk bottles for I'm never sure what goes on outside, I just know where the buk chui is planted (important things XD).
Did you get the plumbing issue sorted?

It looks like he enclosed the back porch with a doors and windows. He probably wanted to do more, but he's nowhere to be seen these days.
Ok, I won't hose the cat. She just likes to be handy, in case she's needed. I think she's about 15 years old now, but if she were a kitten she would probably get accidentally splashed during some careless garden hosery.
This is the first time I've tried the bottles- they also help me remember to take care of the plants underneath, the bottle is easier to see in the garden.