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RE: How to Plant a (bare root) Tree the Best Way

in #gardening7 years ago

Excellent read. Yeasterday I read a post about paulownia trees by @bluerthangreen. Coupled with this article, I’m in business!

Thanks for the tips on using planting in the fall and using kelp to prevent shock.

I’ve always recieved bare root shipments in the spring, and my success is....well, it isn’t 100%!!

Can I get kelp for shock prevention in a nursery or greenhouse? I don’t think I’ve ever seen it for sale, but I haven’t been looking for it either.


Oh so Happy to be able to shed some light :) you should be able to get it in either of those shops- look for powdered or liquid kelp (not meal) extract. Hydroponic stores or Amazon, too. Also, you can help basically any plant (not just trees) in transplanting by using kelp! Happy planting!