Thanks @haphazard-hstead!
It's amazing how many wild plants one can identify at 60-70 mph once you are familiar with them.
It's almost worse than texting and driving sometimes! (LOL)
It's amazing how many wild plants one can identify at 60-70 mph once you are familiar with them.
It's almost worse than texting and driving sometimes! (LOL)
I drive into the absence in front of me.
Focus, always focus, on the right-of-way.
The right-of-way, roadside, ditch side.
Land of opportunity.
Not flotsam, nor jetsam, but flora -
And fauna, too, truth be told.
-- An impromptu poem by HH, Haphazard Homestead ; )
I like it.
Upvote for poetry I can relate to!
Thanks! I figured you might have those tendencies. ; )
Oh yeah!