Hello everyone, we still have snow on the ground here in Vermont, while I wait for spring I am making a plan. Ive heard it said once you have a plan the job is half done :) So here goes... Please note upcoming blogs will be about these things... Also I would love to hear ways to improve my blog and what hear what people would like to see... Thanks :)
- Have pine boards milled out at local saw mill to build farm stand.
2.Build said farm stand on a 6x12 Utility trailer that I have so it movable. - Order peach trees approx 20 of different varieties that are zone 4 hardy.
- Pick up several loads of local composted cow manure to use around the farm.
- Make some garden boxes for individual herb types... Basil, thyme, list will be ongoing.
- Sheet mulch with wood chips the Blueberry bed approx 75'x75'
- Apply organic sulfur to Blueberry bed aka Brimstone.
- Buy organic blood meal and bone meal for fertilization.
- Order seeds for this years gardening from: Baker Creek heirloom seeds, Fedco and High Mowing organic seeds.
- Start Tomato, Onion and Pepper seeds around April 20th + or -.
- Plant multiple strawberry verities.
- Work on making garden art to sell Using my blacksmithing skills.
- Plant multiple flower verities to attract pollinators and to have at my farm stand.
- I currently have 6 Bantam chickens perhaps get 6 ducks?
- come up with a farm name... with help from the online community.
A view of my huge pile of composting woodchips and my David Brown 990 farm tractor painted green.