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RE: Do you want to make your own natural liquid fertilizer? One that is especially rich in potassium and perfect to encourage flowers and fruit set?

in #gardening7 years ago

Where is the best place to plant comfrey? Shade? Sun? Does it need a lot of moisture?

And where can one get root cuttings to plant? Did you order yours?


Comfrey likes sun. However, I am in Oklahoma and our Summer temp gets super hot. I find myself having to water comfrey in the sun daily and still they don't seem to do as well as the ones in partial shade. Comfrey loves moisture. It grows naturally around river banks.

I order my sterile variety of comfrey from Coe's Comfrey. He always gives me extra root cuttings with all my purchases. You can also get crown cuttings from him (I think he calls them 2 or 4 year old plants). They will grow much faster and larger. If you want to save money, get root cuttings from him. If you want to save time, get crown cuttings from him.

Well, this is interesting. I also am in OK. Near Tulsa. Where are you?
Oh, and thank you for the info!

I am a few hours away in Southeastern Oklahoma. It's been a hard year to grow things. We didn't really get a Spring this year. It went from freezing to 90 degrees within days and only one real rain. This drought has been hard and I think our Summer is going to be even harder

Glad to help you with the info. Love Coe's Comfrey.

Same here. No spring at all hardly. Will be interesting to see how it all pans out. I'll be watching for your posts!