My garden # 7 or handsome Delphinium is a king of my garden!

in #gardening7 years ago

Hello dear friends!

Today I want to tell you about one of my favorite flowers that grows in my garden. This flower is called Delphinium!
дельфиниум 11.jpg
image source

Delphiniums belong to a small number of plants that have an unusually clean and pleasant sky-blue or intense bright blue or violet flowers. Sometimes there are forms with white or pink flowers. I have two Dolphinium bushes in my garden, dark blue and light blue.

дельфиниум 4.jpg

These flowers are high enough and they need support. Several times their stems were broken due to heavy rain and hail. Delphinium flowers are very fluffy, so when they get wet, they become very heavy and the stem does not stand the load.

дельфиниум 2.jpg

Delphiniums are used in landscape design very often. Groups of 2-3 plants look very beautiful if they are planted near veranda or gazebo or on a lawn in the center of the clearing. In mixed plantings from perennials, the delphinium is planted in the background. The delphinium combines with lilies, phloxes and roses very well.

Cut off inflorescences of the delphinium are very interesting in independent bouquets and remain fresh for 10-12 days, if the inflorescence is cut of when only half of the flowers bloom in it.

I like this flower because it is very bright and beautiful, but the most important thing is that it does not require serious care. It grows well in any land, but sometimes I feed it with fertilizers.
These flowers grow both in the wild and have selection varieties. I dream of having a few bushes of different shades, so that in my garden there would be even more bright colors!

Information from Wikipedia:

The leaves are deeply lobed with three to seven toothed, pointed lobes in a palmate shape. The main flowering stem is erect, and varies greatly in size between the species, from 10 centimetres in some alpine species, up to 2 m tall in the larger meadowland species.

In June and July (Northern Hemisphere), the plant is topped with a raceme of many flowers, varying in color from purple and blue, to red, yellow, or white. In most species each flower consists of five petal-like sepals which grow together to form a hollow pocket with a spur at the end, which gives the plant its name, usually more or less dark blue. >Within the sepals are four true petals, small, inconspicuous, and commonly colored similarly to the sepals. The eponymous long spur of the upper sepal encloses the nectar-containing spurs of the two upper petals.

The seeds are small and often shiny black. The plants flower from late spring to late summer, and are pollinated by butterflies and bumble bees. Despite the toxicity, Delphinium species are used as food plants by the larvae of some >Lepidoptera species, including the dot moth and small angle shades.

All parts of the delphiniums are poisonous!!!

Therefore, if the family has small children or people with allergic diseases, then the delphinium, alas, will have to be abandoned.

I hope you were interested! Try planting Delphinium in your garden, you will like it, I promise! :)


Beautiful flowers in the photos. Very bright and memorable. If you sow a large field with these flowers - you will get a beautiful carpet to look at with pleasure.

I didn't know that flower could stand in the water for so long. Looks very fragile. But very a handsome and gentle.

These are beautiful. Im gonna plant these for sure. They will add to the beauty of garden

Your garden will look very beautiful if you plant these flowers! :)

Yes definitely. I have already started to fall in love these flowers after watching the flowers of your garden

Your flowers are so unique. Nice, you not only can bake, you can even garden. Gorgeous

Thank you so much! :)

Невероятно красивый цветок! Он шикарный, настоящий король сада.

Да, он очень красив! К сожалению он не имеет запаха...Я планирую насажать его побольше, уж очень он мне нравится :)

Beautiful flowers. I used to have a garden when I lived in California. I grew roses and carnations. It was so difficult because of the soil but I did it and was so proud of my self. You definitely look like a gardener who takes good care. I am moving into a house later this year and I will definitely garden again but this time I am going to grow some vegetable and maybe plant a peach tree. I can see from one fo the other pictures that you are growing a lot. What else do you grow please?

I grow a lot of different plants. Flowers and trees and vegetables :)

Love your photos. I attempt to grow delphinium every year, but never get such nice ones as yours. Gonna try again this year...

I believe that multiplying the Delphinium by seeds is very difficult. I advise you to buy a small bush and then multiply it by division.

Ahhhh! That could well be the answer. I start from seed.... Thanks!

I'm glad to help you :)

Very beautiful flowers and no less beautiful photos. I'm very glad that you see the world like that.

splendid & delightful!

embracing & exceptional!