Wanna Eat White Eggplant ? Must have this in your garden

in #gardening6 years ago

Very early in the morning I had no option than to go for this Two white Eggplant rich in vitamins, phosphate, phosphorus and some other micro nutrients. The experience was so awesome and I have it in mind to go for a large white Eggplant farm as soon as possible. I already have a big white which is the first produce to emerge from the plant itself.

The White Eggplant journey began when I went to my In-laws house and I saw it in their garden I was forced to as on permission to seek for one big fruit from it tree. And after some weeks I was called upon to come and pick one fully ripped eggplant seed which when I opened it into two equal halves it has already started germinating and I was so surprised. Then I went home to plant it.

Here is my first time Eggplant produce after 4months of age. It is so amazing and very healthy plant.

How white it is ? I love this particular colour , although with research I found out that we have several types of eggplant. We have Purple Eggplant , we have White Eggplant . I have never planted the purple type but I have the white eggplant in my Farm.

I Love it most especially when it is used as Sauce. Very rich in all kinds of nutrients. Vitamins , phosphorus and more.

Until next time ♨️♨️.

I Rep #newSteem


Resteem 😉 , Upvote 🤗 and Comment 🤩.

Thank you.

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very nice! I grow purple European types most years, this year I did a Japanese one and a little green one. Here they are grown as annuals because it's too cold during the winter

That's pretty cool. We have the white common here and I think I saw the purple one when I went to Jos. Another town entirely. Thanks for stopping by

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How does it taste? Mild flavour? Looking forward to some wafrican white eggplant cookups. :)

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Smile. Wow. It tastes better more than just normal egg sauce. Yeah.. I must confess. Sure. I'm on it. Thanks for stopping by 🤗

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