My Mustard Greens

in #gardening7 years ago

I am trying to include as many greens to my diet as I know just how good they are if you want to have good nutrition.

As I do not have a great deal of space, I grow all my veggies and most herbs in containers - this allows me to make sure that they are all getting good organic soil as well as the organic nutrients that I add such as worm castings and worm tea - as well as a nice sunny position.

So far, I have the following growing nicely:

Heritage Kale which can get up to two meters tall.

Then there is my curly kale.

My beetroot is grown for the leaves which are also very nutritious.

And last but not least, my mustard greens which are really coming along nicely.

In addition to the above, I have spinach, celery, italian parsley and sweet basil as well as spring onions.
It is quite amazing how by picking a few leaves off my greens each day, I can make a salad or stir fry and know that I am eating organic food that will nourish my body - and all in containers !


Worm castings? Worm tea?

Yes indeed - you need to have a worm bin with red wrigglers - most garden centres sell them - magic way of composting garden and kitchen waste -google worm bins to find out how they work.

WOW!!! Those mustard greens are HUGE!!!! I love to add mustard greens to soups and stews... so full of nutrients!

I make a Mediterranean pasta dish and toss in a handful of spinach but I bet the mustard greens would be just as good.

Yes I think they would be great -they have a peppery taste.

I love gardening although I have no time for it now! We only have some herbs growing on the kitchen window. Your plants look so healthy!

Thank you and I hope you get time again to do more gardening.