I have been out in the garden seeing if there's anything happening, I am surprised to see how well my roses are growing, I don't think I have ever had so many roses on one bush. I can also see my cottage garden mix seed pack I potted months ago are starting to show new faces and my miracle pots are still surprising me with good growth.
First I want to show you my miracle pots that are still showing growth, My little black pot that has been drowned so many times, so many little plants being killed of to come back, we can still see a little green head popping out. Then we have my pot where I broke the stem of the Impatiens plant then stuck it back in the soil to find it has took, now sits in its own pot and looking very healthy.

Next is the Cottage garden seed mix I planted quite a while ago, all they have shown me is a lot of greenery but recently there have been a few changes.

They are now starting to show up plus noticed a few bees hanging around them which is a good sign.

Next I have my beautiful pink Rose tree bush,I have been growing this bush for a few years now, this is the first year I have seen so many roses, I usually get around 5 all at once, I think this year she is happy and settled as she is producing so many flowers with so many more buds ready to open.

Hope you have enjoyed the few changes in my garden, I am looking forward to finding more in the next few days
Thank you @son-of-satire
Thank you @artedellavita
Que bello tu jardín y tus rosas muy lindas, tienes un pasatiempo muy bonito, @karenb54
Gracias, estoy disfrutando mucho mi jardín
beautiful photos! thanks for sharing :)
Thank you for visiting :)
what a beauty.........you have done well.keep steeming!
Thank you :)
I like the pink rose bush, beautiful garden you've got.
Thank you :)
Glad to hear for growth and changes in garden and bees hanging around is really a good sign.
Thank you :)
truly inspiring
Thank you :)
The rose tree is certainly putting on a spectacular show! The garden mix will keep you coming out to seek what it's up to for a while yet, I think. So much fun!
I notice something new each day, Wish I had spread them out better in the pot.. :)
Looking gorgeous, Karen! I love seeing people's gardens.
Thank you :)
Nothing more pleasant than spending time in the garden surrounded by beautiful flowers and aromas, congratulations on the good result you are having.
Thank you very much dear friend @ karenb54 for sharing esats beautiful images
Thank you for visiting :)
Great post ! I loved it , you have so many positive posts now it really helps brighten up the mood on steemit ! Not sure if you seen it yet but I just started my first Steemit Power Of Positivity Post Link ( P.O.P Contest ! ) I hope you find time to enter your favorite positive post link , or do a new positive post it can be of anything as long as its positive ! LOL! Im trying to spread more positive vibes here on steemit ! If you get a chance heres the link to check out !! Thanks and good luck !: https://steemit.com/popcontest/@karenmckersie/steemit-power-of-positivity-p-o-p-link-contest
Thanks I'll take a look. Steemit needs something to give Us all hope :)
Yes for sure ! Thanks !! 🆒👌👍
My chickens ate the few roses I had so I'm living vicariously through you haha
You can have my little man then he can eat the leaves lol
They can open a landscaping business haha
Hahah they would make thousands lol
haha I am certain of this! Maybe their own reality show! lol
That would be fun to watch heehee