The Beginnings of the Garden

in #gardening7 years ago (edited)

So the longer I work at this the better the posts will get. This is only my second post as I am trying to gather my thoughts and arrange how I would like to use this platform. And so it begins ...

So one of the items in the description of my profile is aspiring gardener. The story behind that comes from a visit I had with my mom the other day. She had a mango that she cut up and my son proceeded to eat the entire thing before anybody else could have any. Jokingly she told him that I should take the seed home and grow my own mango plant/tree since he liked mango so much. Well that was almost like a challenge to me so I willingly accepted. Now you have to get to know me but when I put my mind to something like that I usually take it a step further. I am now in the process of germinating three mango seeds, three avocado seeds, one pot of Lavender and one pot of Lillies.

2018-04-12 16.54.49.jpg

I have also started a compost barrel.

2018-04-12 16.56.05.jpg

I am taking a look at my backyard and thinking about how I want to turn a large portion of my backyard into a garden and use my back porch as a growing/starting area. It has been loads of fun so far and the kids are loving it. Everyday when I get home from work we go out and check on the progress of the avacado seeds. I will add another post with some better pictures of the area. I am not sure why these pictures turned out as bas as they did but the more I post the better it will get. Until next time thanks and don't forget to upvote.