Cosmovitral (Cosmovitral Jardín Botánico) in Toluca Mexico Part 2


The best part of that botanical garden wasn't actually the glass but the cacti collection. The bummer was that part was totally closed off because of vandalism. That's where I learned just how endangered cacti are as a whole.


A glimspe from the asian themed area which was very much open still


Pretty sure the carvings in these cacti are why the whole are is closed and being renovated.


It provides a nice mental image of what my cacti garden could be in the future.


I love how these are arranged!


Stay tuned, there's one more post to come.

Here's a link to the last post.


OK, now I’m confused. I thought vandalism would mean some form of harvesting. Those carvings look more like the start of a Dan Brown novel.

I liked the carvings but I could see why they were upset about them. Id be pissed. I thought initially I wanted my own version of this,public and all but the more I get into unique cacti collecting the more I wanna keep it to myself. I keep getting called a cultural appropriator LOL