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RE: Plant porn... or how to finger-feck a cucumber

in #gardening8 years ago

Beautiful. I did polinize mine manually, but with a... I don´t know the name. A little plastic stick with cotton at both ends, some people use it to clean their ears, though it is dangerous!

I actually did it with zuchinni, another curcubitacea (Spanish). But in the end it did not work out. Just one fruit, and it died before maturing. My veranda is not good enough for the pumpkin family. I do get some tomatoes, though.


I think the cotton bud stick is the classic method, I dunno why I haven't thought about that and just used the male flowers instead. It did work though and by now I have quite a few bees visiting my greenhouse every day so I don't need to bother with manual pollination anymore.
I have 2 tromboncino's outside, which are similar to the zucchini; I had a few fruit of them, but some bugs keep eating them. I've tried to grow zucchinis last year, but the plants were getting sick really quick.

I have seen it done with the male flower as well. It´s more of a pro´s method. I saw Toni, from La Huertina. Great vegetable gardener, but in Spanish.

I´ll keep reading your posts. Who knows, maybe with my Steemit blogging I can buy myself a lot and do some real gardening.

On that day I was thinking of using a small paintbrush but I was too lazy to go look for one so I just thought about plucking the male flowers and just using those. Had loads of them anyway.

Oh, that's the dream, isn't it? Buying some land and living off it, I would love that! For now, I have to be content with the greenhouse I built; things are growing great in there but it's almost full now, hehe.
Let's hope we'll both get some plots!