Alstroemeria: Inca Lily or Peruvian lily

in #gardening7 years ago


Alstroemeriaceae is native to South America. There are about fifty species and South Africa boasts with their own hybrids. These lilies were named after their founder, Baron Claus von Alstroemer from Sweeden. They are perennials with tuberous roots and is the flower of friendship.


The Inca Lilies have an extensive range of colours in white, salmon, pink, orange, golden yellow, purple and red. Inca flowers have no fragrant and blooms in loose clusters (looks a lot like azaleas) during spring and summer. The flower has three sepals and three streaky petals. The leaves are bright green and twisted.


Inca lilies need little maintenance as they are quite hardy and frost tolerant. They thrive in warm, deep, well-drained nutrient-rich soil, and needs full to partial sun depending on the climate. The plant does not bloom if it gets too hot. You need to water them more regularly in hot conditions to keep the soil moist. Top-dress them in the fall with peat.


You can propagate these lilies by dividing the rhizomes during spring, make sure to cut them back first, 15 days before dividing them. When propagating by seed, you need to soak them for 12 hours before covering with soil in a tray. The seeds take a long time to germinate and only about 20% of them will sprout which could be planted out after six weeks.


The Inca lily can be successfully grown both indoors and outdoors. They make perfect cut flowers as they are long lasting (2-3 weeks vase life).


Happy Gardening!!

Image Credit

Keep smiling, reading, writing and voting!!!


Need to go find me some seeds

I promise you will not regret it. They grow better from seedlings though.

Great post and advice to the gardeners out there... I love gardening especially planting rare flowers... I've upvoted and reblogged thanks a lot

Thank you very much akeem22, I truly appreciate your support. Enjoy a lovely day!

They are beautiful and the colors so vibrant, Happy gardening and thank you for sharing your work with us.

Thank you pipokinha. I love sharing that which is beautiful to me.

Very nice and thank you.
Every flower is of different art., different shade.
Thanks for posting.

Always a pleasure to share, mohammedfelahi. Thank you for your support.

well you cut out the only good part of this picture

Thank you for sharing will resteem
this post hope you can do the same for me
you have my upvote
Keep smiling, reading, writing and voting!!!

Thank you mannyfig1956. I enjoyed your post, keep smiling!

Express something with "Flowers"
because the flower will always be beautiful, especially when it is blooming, it does not matter whether it comes from what tree or grows where.
The flower that I show this is a wildflower that grows between the bushes

Thank you for this beautiful wildflower, elshadr. I like most women, absolutely adore flowers and agree that it does not matter where they come from.

Great works, I wish you success

my eyes are stunned with the beauty of this liles, I have never seen this flower.
I love inca liliy.

They are absolutely gorgeous in bouquets but even more so in the garden. I am glad you share my love for their beauty.

AMAZING PICS, great beauty of GOD. and a very nice collection from your side

Wow what a wonderful and beautiful flowers

Wunderful flower pictures. Like it. Upvoted and resteemed it :)

Thank you matthias-mann. The photos cannot capture their true beauty though.

They are quite beautiful (nice photos!)-- around here they pretty much only exist as cut flowers, but they are a favourite because they tend to last a really long time, even in a vase; we have some upstairs right now that are close to two weeks old and still look quite good!

Thank you for your reply reddragonfly. Yes, they do last very long, I have had them in a bouquet which lasted for nearly three weeks.

beautiful :-)

lots of beautiful flowers of flowers

These are some incredible pictures! I loved your work!

Thank you very much for these kind words, firepower. I love steemit as this platform gives us the opportunity to learn from each other and to see the world through others eyes. Taking photos of all the beautiful things in my country and sharing it with the rest of the world gives me great pleasure.

that is enough flower power to save the world!!

Thanks for the giggle, braxton101. Yes, their colours are maybe a bit vibrant, especially in this post, but can you imagine them in your garden?

wow beautiful flower the alstroemeria. I also post about flowers (i do a education about it) maybe you like to look at my page :)

The beauty is unmatched @crazymumzysa