Our black bamboo plants are the only success in gardening so far this year, we have been focusing more on our animals than plants in our first year of homesteading. We decided to give bamboo a try, and out of 200 seeds, we got abouy a dozen healthy sprouts. Checking in on them today and the first one has sprouted its second shoot! they will grow into a small clump in about a year, then they will be ready for the ground. Its a hard thing to grow, but bamboo has many uses on the homestead and will benefit us once its stable! Thanks for stopping by!

Be careful. I was also excited when I got a few shoots of bamboo (Seabreeze, which is clumping and easier to contain); however, now it is so tangled and dense that I have trouble trimming it. I love the shade and the look, but I’m not sure how to thin it out. My wife is threatening to pay someone to dig it all out..
ok, that is surprising. I imagine it easy to grow, one of these plants that will just shoot up anywhere. Congratulations then on your shoots. Thats exciting.
I had thought it would be easy as well, but it seems that some varieties are hard to start from seed. Once established, they are easy to separate from the mother rizhome and propagate, but seeds take a lot of care and 4-8 weeks just to sprout. I found out too that most bamboo will only go to seed every 50-100 years, and when they do, the whole plant will die off. There are some species in China that have yet to go to seed in their entire recorded history. Thanks for reading!
OMG! How fascinating! Funny, bamboo came up in a conversation with a girlfriend. We talked of difference between bamboo and hemp. She felt hemp had a lot more uses and could grow easier in many different places. They make a lot of stuff now, like fabrics out of bamboo. I wonder how they do it if it does not seed more often?! Anyway fascinating. Some friends here in France have a huge closer on their property. It is very beautiful.
Once bamboo is established, you can cut parts of the rhizome\roots off and make a whole new plant. You can also uproot new shoots when they come out of the ground. They are such a fascinating plant, being they create seeds, and also propagate through their roots like an Aspen tree.
I love hemp as well, both are such great and versatile plants!
What are some of the uses of bamboo?
Quite a lot. The baby shoots are edible to both humans and animals. You can also get construction/timber grade bamboo and replace alot of lumber uses with it. You can also make all sorts of things like fencing, kitchen utensils, and cups. You can also split it and use it in basket weaving. One Idea I have is when its big enough, I want to use it as a gutter system for my hydro\aquaponic gardens. Thanks for stopping by and be well!
Thanks for replying, I had no idea.